Not all participants have both signed the keys from last night AND sync'd up with the keyserver. This form of keysigning process is built upon using public keyservers. If you prefer the manual method for each key from last night: First, download (recv-keys) and signing (sign-key) the pubkeys: gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 0x gpg --keyserver --sign-key 0x Second, upload them (send-key) to the keyserver: gpg --keyserver --send-key 0x and in a few days... do a refresh to get all the latest sigs: gpg --keyserver --refresh-keys Automation One Liners: Here's a really quick way to do all of the above (for ALL the keys we did last night) using these little one liners. First, copy the key fingerprints column out of the goolg doc ( ) into a file "keystosign.txt". Check to make sure that anyone you skipped or did not visually write off is not included... and then populate the variables $mykeyid and $pass: HISTFILE=/dev/null mykeyid=12345678 pass=mypassphrase cat keystosign.txt |grep [0-9]|tr -s [:blank:]| cut -f9-10 -d" "| sed -e 's/ //g' > keyids.txt cat keyids.txt |xargs -I {} bash -c "gpg --recv-keys 0x{} && sleep 2 && echo 'DONE 0x{}' " cat keyids.txt |xargs -I {} bash -c "gpg --default-key 0x$mykeyid --yes\ --passphrase '$pass' --sign-key 0x{} && sleep 2 && echo 'DONE 0x{}' " cat keyids.txt |xargs -I {} bash -c "gpg --send-keys 0x{} && sleep 2 && echo 'DONE 0x{}' " Just be sure to clear the pass variable.. and log out to wipe your bash history so your passphrase is not recorded to disk. I recommend the sleeps, as I've seen GPG corrupt your pubkeyring file if you hammer it too quickly. Not sure why.. but the delay seems to work well. Thanks man! Tweeks