Scripted Steps: Start Off.. Tweeks gives a 2 minute talk on IP addresses and ports.. and what we're doing. Kid-1 = White-Hat (W) (will be on the Windows VM) Kid-2=Black-Hat (B) (will be on the Kali Linux VM) STEPS: 3.1 (W) - White-Hat kid gets logged into the range 3.2 - 3.4 (B) - Black-Hat kid Logs into Kali Linux, opens terminal 3.5 (B+W) - Each kid does a "host " for theie machine 3.6 - 3.8 (W) - WHite-Hat logs into Windows as per directions 3.9 (W) - Setup/checks "active network" is set to "Public network" 3.10 (W) - Checks firewall is running 4.1 (B) - Black-Hat scans him self (nmap -Pn 4.2 (B or W) - White-hat gets to scan his (nmap -Pn from the Kali box 4.3 (W) - Block RDP w/Advanced Firewall UI 4.4 (B) - Rescan target (port 3389 shoudl now be blocked) 4.5 (W) - Reset firewall settings -remove allowed IPs so it's wide open again -switch Network (or verify) location is set back to "Public network"