Cover V01, I02
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4


Listing 4

1: #
2: # Actual generalized background/overnight script driver, for
3: # generating a set of Informix reports with different parameters:
4: #
5: # The user is prompted for a printer name (printer), and a series of
6: # magazine (mag) and source code (sc) pairs.  For each such pair, the
7: # report generation command:
8: #   sacego -q swkpay $mag $sc | lp -d$printer
9: # is generated, and all such commands are collected in a script file
10: # named $list.
11: #
12: # Finally, this script file is submitted to either or
13: #, as specified by the user.
14: #
16: echo
17: echo Reports of Subscription Payment History by Source Code
18: echo
20: debug=Y                     # to support testing
22: AppId=orig                  # AppId is short description of application
23: Ltmp=/u3/Srcrep/Ltmp        # Work/Log area for the app, publicly writeable
24: UseLock=Y                   # Y to use lockfiles, N not to
26: if [ $UseLock = Y ]; then
27:     LOCKFILE=$Ltmp/$AppId.LOCK  # Name of lockfile
28:     LOCKOPT="-l $LOCKFILE"      # lockfile option
29: fi
31: onite=` "Do you want to run these reports overnight"`     # get Y/N
33: if [ $onite = N ]; then                 # If requesting background execution,
34:     if [ $UseLock = Y ]; then           # and using a lock file,
35:         if [ -r $LOCKFILE ]; then       # then check for lock file
36:             echo "\nSorry, a related report is running. Please try later."
37:             exit 1
38:         else                            # no active lockfile found.
39:             trap "rm $LOCKFILE; exit 1" 1 2 3 9 14 15
40:             touch $LOCKFILE             # create the lockfile
41:         fi
42:     fi
43: fi
45: if [ $debug = Y ]
46: then                                    # If debugging, create output file
47:     outlog=$AppId.out                   # in the current directory
48: else
49:     outlog=$Ltmp/$AppId.log             # else put in the Temp/Log area
50: fi
52: #
53: # Get parameters specific to this report program:
54: #
56: printer=`getptr p`      # prompt user for printer selection (internal utility)
57: list=`tmpname src`      # script file to recieve report generation commands
59: echo
60: echo You will now be given the opportunity to enter a list of
61: echo source/magazine pairs. Enter an empty source code when all desired
62: echo reports have been entered.
63: echo
65: while true
66: do
67:     echo
68:     echo "Please enter the source code to profile (Return alone when done) -> \c"
69:     read sc
70:     [ "$sc" = "" ] && break     # null code terminates report list
71:     mag=`getmag`                # prompt for publication code (internal utility)
72:     cat >>$list <<-END          # append the report generation command to script
73:         sacego -q swkpay $mag $sc | lp -d$printer
74: END
75: done
77: if [ $onite = N ]; then
78:     [ $UseLock = Y ] && echo "rm $LOCKFILE" >>$list
79: $outlog $LOCKOPT < $list
80:     echo "This process is now running in the background."
81:     echo "The reports will be printed as they are generated"
82: else
83: ` $AppId` <$list
84:     echo
85:     echo This process has been scheduled for overnight processing.
86:     echo Check for your output tomorrow morning at the selected printer.
87:     echo
88: fi
90: [ $debug = N ] && rm $list