Cover V02, I03
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4


Listing 4: formletter -- Perl source

# formletter -- send "personalized" form letters.
# usage:
#    formletter [template file] [user...]

# stuff to change by necessity or whim
$tempdict = "$ENV{'HOME'}/lib/formletters";
$sigfile = "$ENV{'HOME'}/.mailsig";
$mailer = "/usr/ucb/mail";
$sleeptime = 30;
$altgreetfile = ".greetings";

# sanity checking
(-d $tempdict) ||
die "template directory $tempdict not found\n";
if ($#ARGV <= 0 || ! -f "$tempdict/$ARGV[0]") {
# too-few args, or specified template not there
warn "Usage: $0 [template] [address...]\n";
warn "Current templates on file:\n";
opendir(FLD, $tempdict) ||
die "Can't open $tempdict: $!\n";
@files = sort(grep(!/^\./, readdir(FLD)));
die "\t", join("\n\t", @files), "\n";

# get signature
if (open(SIG, $sigfile)) {
@sig = <SIG>;
close SIG;
else { # not there; just use name and login ID
@user = getpwnam($ENV{'USER'});
chop($host = `hostname`);
$sig[0] = "-- $user[6] ($user[0]@$host)\n";

# load alternate greetings, if any
if (open(ALT, "$tempdict/$altgreetfile")) {
while (<ALT>) {
($user, $greeting) = split(/:/, $_);
$altgreet{$user} = $greeting;

# read template file
$template = "$tempdict/$ARGV[0]";
open (TMPL, $template) ||
die "can't open form template $ARGV[0]: $!\n";
while (<TMPL>) {
if (/^Subject:/) {
($junk, $subj) = split(/:/);
if (/^Eval:/) {
$/ = "";           # set paragraph mode
$to_eval = <TMPL>; # read paragraph
$/ = "\n";         # unset paragraph mode
if (/^Text:/) {
@text = <TMPL>;    # slurp remaining lines

@text || die "No text seen in template $ARGV[0]\n";<R><R>

# send mail to remaining arguments <R>
# (assumed to be addresses)<R>
while (@ARGV) {<R>
$whoto = shift;
# if address contains no "@", assume it's
# a local user: look 'em up
if (! ($whoto =~ /@/)) {
$gcos,$dir,$shell) = getpwnam($whoto);
if (! $name) { # oops, probably a typo
warn "$whoto: no such user\n";
# get first name
($greeting) = split(/ /, $gcos);

# check for an overriding greeting
$altgreet{$whoto} &&
($greeting = $altgreet{$whoto});

# run the template's program, if any
eval $to_eval;
die "$@\n" if $@;   # oops

# send the mail
open (MAILP, $subj ?
"| $mailer -s \"$subj\" $whoto":
"| $mailer $whoto");

print MAILP ($greeting) ? "$greeting --\n\n" : "";
for (@text) {
print MAILP eval qq/"$_"/;
print MAILP "\n--\n", join("",@sig);
close MAILP;
sleep($sleeptime) if (@ARGV);