Cover V02, I06
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4
Listing 5
Listing 6


Listing 1: frmlet

#  frmlet
#  check for argument, and cd to form directory
[ $# != 1 ] && echo "usage: frmlet <form_dir>" && exit
cd $1
#  User selects a form...
form_file=`dirmnu "Here are the available forms:" "Select the form" . "*.fml"`
[ "$form_file" = ABORT ] && exit
#  Extract the receiver(s) of the form letter from the form letter
#  file itself
receiver=`fgrep "Send to:" $form_file | head -1 | sed "s/Send to://"`
[ "$receiver" = "" ] && echo "frmltr:  Bad Form, no receiver
#  Check that the form_file does indeed exist and is readable,
#  and that the receiver is not null, then mail to the
#  receiver, with the form file name as the subject, and including the
#  form file in the edit bufer
[ -r $form_file ] && [ $receiver != "" ] &&
$MAILCMD -s "Form: $form_file" -i "$form_file"  $receiver