Cover V03, I01
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3


Listing 3: Check for regular files

306  if ( -f $rfile )        # regular file
307  {
308      $cmd = "cp $rfile $lfile";
309      system $cmd;
310      if ($?>>8)
311      {
312          print STDERR "error executing system command :\n";
313          print STDERR "\t\"$cmd\n";
314          $msg .= "\tERROR copying $rfile to $lfile\n";
315      }
316      else
317      {
318          chown($r_uid,$lfile);
319          chmod($r_mode,$lfile);
320          utime($r_atime,$r_mtime,$lfile);
321          $msg .= "\tcopied $rfile to $lfile\n";
322      }
323   }