Cover V03, I02
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4
Listing 5
Listing 6
Listing 7


Listing 2: checker_proc.h

*   Definitions for the Server routines
*   Filename checker_proc.h
*   Author  C M King
*   Version 1.1
*   Date    05 Nov 1993


extern void check_perms();
extern void add_error();
void split_fields();
void add_error();
void check_owner();
void check_grp();
void check_date();

#define MAXERRORS 20    /* greater than maximun possible error messages */
#define MAXERRSTRING 60 /* length of longest error string */

#define FILEMAX MAXPATHLEN  /* longets pathname */
#define PERMAX 5        /* length of permisisons */
#define NAMEMAX 8       /* length of owner or group strings */
#define DATEMAX 12      /* length of date filed */

/* UK and US dates are in a different format, this allows
* the function check_date to cope with both
* compile with -DUSDATE for US style dates like 10.31.93

#ifdef USDATE   /* US date style 1.31.93 */
#define DATE_FIELD_ONE 1
#define DATE_FIELD_TWO 0
#else  /* UK date style 31.1.93 */
#define DATE_FIELD_ONE 0
#define DATE_FIELD_TWO 1

/* define the form of the date seperator */
#define DATE_SEPARATOR '.'

/* define the form of the details seperator */

/* define the form of the indicator not to check the date */
#define NO_DATE_CHECK '-'
/* End of File */