Cover V03, I03
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Sidebar 1


Sidebar: VMS Account and Proxy Setup

Log into the VMS computer as SYSTEM. Create an account called dnat:

# set def sys$system
# mc authorize
uaf> copy system dnat/uic=[55,2]/pass=changeme
uaf> modify dnat/account=dnat/owner=dnat
uaf> modify dnat/device=dua0:/dir=[peru]
uaf> modify dnat/defpriv=noall/priv=noall
uaf> modify dnat/defpriv=(TMPMBX,NETMBX)
uaf> modify dnat/priv=(TMPMBX,NETMBX)
uaf> modify dnat/pwdlife=none
uaf> exit

Create the directory and set ownership:

# set def sys$login
# set def [-]
# create/dir [dnat]
# set file/owner=dnat dnat.dir

Create a network proxy. Replace HUB with the DECnet name of the DNAT hub machine:

# set def sys$system
# mc authorize
uaf> create/proxy
uaf> add/proxy HUB::* dnat/default
uaf> exit 

Ensure the hub machine is known by NCP:

# mc ncp
ncp> set node A.NNN name HUB
ncp> define node A.NNN name HUB
ncp> exit

Define a DECnet object:

# mc ncp
ncp> set object dnet_cmd number 0 file user dnat
ncp> define object dnet_cmd number 0 file user dnat
ncp> exit

Test the account by logging in, creating a file, checking the directory, and changing the password:

# set host 0
(log in as dnat, password: changeme)
dnat> show default
dnat> show system/out=dnat.tmp
dnat> dir
dnat> set password
dnat> logout
# logout

Copy or Mail the object from another system and test the task-to-task channel by running the rdcl program from the HUB machine.

UNIX> rdcl VAX show time