Cover V04, I06
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4
Listing 5


Listing 2: An abbreviated sample help file

# Listing 2
# vitxt - the online help file for the vi editor
<main>             Vi Editor - Online Help
<main>Movement          Global              File
<main>char              search              read
<main>word              substitute          write
<main>line                                  save
<main>screen                                quit
<main>Simple Editing    Block Editing       Special
<main>insert               mark             set
<main>add                  yank             map
<main>change               put              shell
<main>replace              blockdelete      .exrc
<main>join                 move
<char>Character movement commands:
<char>h         left 1 character
<char>j         down 1 character
<char>k         up 1 character
<char>l         right 1 character
<word>Word movement commands:
<word>b, B      back 1 word
<word>w, W      forward 1 word
<word>e, E      move to last character in word
<line>Line movement commands:
<line>:1        go to first line of document
<line>:$        go to last line of document
<line>:nn       go to line number nn
<line>Note: Remember to set line numbers on with the
<line>      command
<line>          :set number
<line>      To turn line numbers off enter the command
<line>          :set nonumber
<line>j     move down one line (same as character)
<line>k     move up one line (same as character)
<line>0     move to first position of current line
<line>$     move to last position of current line
<mark>Marking text:
<mark>mx    mark the current line position as x where
<mark>      x is any alpha character
<mark>               Ex. ma, mb, mc, etc.
<mark>`x    go to the character position previously
<mark>      marked by the character x
<mark>'x    go to the first character in the line
<mark>      previously marked by the character x
<yank>Yank (cut) text from a document:
<yank>yw    yank the word into the default buffer
<yank>yy    yank the line into the default buffer
<yank>nyy   yank n lines into the default buffer
<yank>y'x   yank all of the lines from the current
<yank>      line to the line previously marked by the
<yank>      character x into the default buffer
<yank>      Note: the mark can be either above or below
<yank>            the current line
<yank>"ayy  yank the line into the named buffer "a"
<yank>"ay'x yank all of the lines from the current line
<yank>      to the line previously marked by the
<yank>      character x into the named buffer "a"
<yank>      Note: named buffers may be any alpha
<yank>            character