Cover V05, I10
Listing 1
Listing 10
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4
Listing 5
Listing 6
Listing 7
Listing 8
Listing 9


Listing 1: fchange.files

# fchange.files - sample files file
# list of files to watch

# fields:
# filename mailto [track|showdiff]

/usr/root/.profile isdept track
/usr/root/.exrc isdept track
/usr/root/.forward isdept track

/etc/profile isdept track
/etc/passwd isdept track
/etc/services isdept track
/etc/rpc isdept track
/etc/shells isdept track
/etc/fstab isdept track

/usr/system/aliases stevei showdiff

# we're watching ourself!
/u/stevei/fchange/fchange.files stevei track

#                  pseudo files
# see also

/u/stevei/fchange/pseudo/notafile.out stevei showdiff
/u/stevei/fchange/pseudo/diskspace.out stevei track