Cover V05, I12
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4
Listing 5
Sidebar 1


Listing 2: syslog.conf

#    syslog.conf
#    Written 13NOV95 by Michael Hill for use by all
#    Solaris hosts in the 'omni' domain.
#    Last modified 28NOV95 by Michael Hill.
#    Notes:
#    1.  This file is processed by m4(1), so be
#        careful to quote (`') names that match m4
#        reserved words.  Also, within ifdefs,
#        arguments containing commas must be quoted.
#    2.  user needs to be excluded from most lines
#        so that user.alert and user.emerg are not
#        included.  These are generated by old
#        versions of sendmail(8), typically under
#        4.2BSD.

# emergencies: notify all users
*.emerg;user.none                *

# serious stuff: log it
*.err;kern.notice;auth,local2,user.none    /dev/console
*.err;kern.notice;auth,local2,user.none    /var/log/syslog;daemon.notice;mail.crit    /var/adm/messages
*.warning;kern,daemon,mail,user.none    /var/adm/messages

# sudo logs to local2, su & login to auth;
# keep local copies & forward            /var/log/sudolog
auth.debug            /var/log/authlog
local2,        /var/log/syslog
local2,        /dev/console
local2,    ifdef(`LOGHOST',netlog,@loghost)

# other stuff to send to netlog on 'loghost'
*.warning;mail.none;auth.none;local2.none;user.none    netlog
mark.debug            netlog
# important messages: forward to central logger
*.warning;auth.none;local2.none;lpr.none;user.none    @loghost

# put the timestamp in the local syslog file
mark.debug                /var/log/syslog

# local logging of sendmail information                /var/log/maillog

# disposition of 'user' messages
user.crit                /dev/console
user.notice                /var/adm/messages
user.emerg                /var/log/syslog

# End of File