Cover V06, I01
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3


Listing 2: Sample dial script, called from dialer

## my standard output is the modem.  My std input is the modem.
## this program should be called only after "dialer"
## has taken care of above.

echo "ATDT555-5555\r"
sleep 20
echo "loginname\r"
## you can do "read" for modem responses
## or simply use waitfor, a standalone binary which comes with pcomm
waitfor assword
echo "password\r"

## wait for login messages, then send file:
sleep 2
echo "rx FOO\r"
sx FOO
## show status message to stderr, which is the user's terminal,
## NOT the modem.
echo "status of sx is $?" 1>&2
sleep 2
rx -c BAR
## sleep to let remote cogitate and do the hanging-up

## (if you don't, sometimes Bad Things will happen)
sleep 5
# implicit hangup of port.

## End of File