Cover V06, I03
Figure 1
Listing 1
Listing 2
Table 1
Table 2
Table 3
Table 4


Table 3: Example print commands

# For these examples the default printer is an HP4V
# draw from the 11x17 tray on the HP4V
# uses filter 1 in Table 4.
lp -T big
# draw from the 11x17 tray and rotate the drawing to landscape
# uses filters 2 then 1 in Table 4.
lp -T bigland
# prints a compressed file
# uses filter 3 in Table 4.
lp -T zip
# prints a compressed file and draws from 11x17 tray
# uses filter 4 then 1 in Table 4.
lp -T zipbig
# prints a postscript file on a HPGL printer (hplaser) with GhostScript
# uses filter 5 in Table 4.
lp -T postscript -d hplaser
# prints a compressed postscript file on a HPGL printer (hplaser)
# with GhostScript.
# uses filters 4 then 5 in Table 4.
lp -T zip -d hplaser
# prints text 2-up on a postscript printer
# simple is the default content type and does not need to be specified
# uses filter 6 in Table 4
lp -T simple -y group printfile.txt