Cover V07, I05
Figure 1
Figure 2
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4
Listing 5


Listing 4: Generated GnuPlot command file

#  gnuplot.cmd  -  This GnuPlot command file was generated by
#                  to plot only those entries in the named.dat and
#                  netstats.dat files within the last ten days

set term gif
set size 0.75,0.75
set nokey
set xlabel "X values are the Nth day since Thu Jan 1 1:45:00"

set output "rq_per_min.gif"
plot [34.74:44.74] "named.dat" using 2:3 with lines

set output "rq_per_hour.gif"
plot [34.74:44.74] "named.dat" using 2:4 with lines

set output "rq_total.gif"
plot [34.74:44.74] "named.dat" using 2:5 with lines

set xlabel ""
set output "collisions.gif"
plot [34.74:44.74] "netstats.dat" using 2:3 with lines

# End of File