Cover V08, I03
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4


Listing 2: configrouter

#!/usr/bin/expect --
# Expect script to change Cisco router's configuration
# usage: configrouter username password enablepassword

# define the timeout value
# timeout will be used to handle unexpected response from router

set timeout 90

# receives TACACS+ username, password, and router's enable password
# from command line
set username [lindex $argv 0]
set password [lindex $argv 1]
set enablepass [lindex $argv 2]

set argc [llength $argv]

# define necessary parameters and file handles

set configuration /tmp/ntp
set routerlist [open "/tmp/routerlist" "r"]
set logfile [open "/tmp/ntp_config" "w"]

# turn on Expect's logging facility
log_file /tmp/configrouter.log

# code blocks for procedures

# procedure to enter router's configuration one line at a time under Cisco
# router's configuration mode from terminal
# return 1 if successful, otherwise return 0

proc config_router {config_file} {
      send "config terminal\r"
      expect {
              "(config)#" {
                      set file [open $config_file "r"]
                      while {[gets $file buffer] != -1} {
                              send "$buffer\r"
                      close $file
                      send "end\r"
                      return 1
              timeout {
                      send "end\r"
                      return 0

# procedures to save changed configuration to NVRAM
# return 1 if successful, otherwise return 0

proc save_config_to_nvram {} {
      send "copy running-config startup-config\r"
      expect {
        -re "OK" {return 1}

# in case this is the first time the running configuration ever saved to
        -re "confirm" {
              send "yes\r"
              expect {
                -re "OK" {return 1}
                timeout {return 0}
        timeout {return 0}

# procedure to save the configuration to target TFTP server
# return 1 if successful, otherwise return 0

proc save_config_to_net {log router tftpd} {
      send "copy running-config tftp\r"

# check to see if default TFTP server's IP address match the target TFTP
# if yes, hit enter. if not, replace it with target TFTP server's IP adress
# the "\\\[" is Expect's way to interpret "[" literally
# expect_out(1,string) will capture whatever is inside the brackets

         -re "\\\[(.*)\\\]" {
              if {[string compare $expect_out(1,string) $tftpd] == 0} {
               puts $log "Saving configuration to $expect_out(1,string)\r"
               send "\r"
              } else {
                 puts $log "Saving configuration to $tftpd\r"
                 send "$tftpd\r"

#  save the configuration file by the default name to TFTP server
#  if there is no default name set, use router's hostname followed by
"-confg" as file name

      expect {
         -re "\\\[(.*)-confg\\\]" {
           puts $log "save as file $expect_out(1,string) at [exec date]\r"
           send "$expect_out(1,string)-confg\r"
         timeout {
           puts $log "No file name was set, set it to $router-confg\r"
           send "$router-confg\r"
      expect -re "\\\[confirm\\\]" {send "\r"}
      expect {
        -re "OK" {return 1}
        -re "Access violation" {
           puts $log "Access violation, check file permission on server\r"
           return 0
        -re "Failed" {
           puts $log "File not found, create an file by this name first on
                      the server\r"
           return 0
        -re "File not found" {
           puts $log "File not found, create an file by this name first on
                      the server\r"
           return 0

# main program body starts here
# first check to see if the usage is correct

if { $argc < 3 } {
 puts "usage: configrouter username password enablepassword\r"
 exit 1

while {[gets $routerlist line] !=-1} {
# some report log formatting

 puts $logfile "\r"
 puts $logfile "===================================================\r"
 spawn telnet $line
 expect {

# login to router with TACACS+ in effect, router prompt for "Login:"
# expecting hostname with the format of location ID plus company name
# e.g. LAX001-ZEROONE

  "ogin: " {
              puts $logfile "Connect to $line at [exec date]\r"
              puts $logfile "Login by using TACACS+ username and password\r"
              send "$username\r"
              expect "word: " { send "$password\r" }
              expect {
                 -re "(\[a-zA-Z]+)(\[0-9]+)-ZEROONE>" {
                      send "enable\r"
                      expect "word: " { send "$password\r" }
              if { [config_router $configuration ] == 1 } {
                 puts $logfile "Configuration entered OK\r"
                 puts $logfile "Saving running configuration to NVRAM...\r"
                 if { [save_config_to_nvram] == 1 } {
                      puts $logfile "Configuration saved to NVRAM OK.\r"
                 } else {
                      puts $logfile "Configuration not saved to NVRAM!\r"
                      puts $logfile "Check the log file\r"
                      puts $logfile "Router $line was configured"
          puts $logfile "but configuration was not saved to NVRAM.\r"
             if { [save_config_to_net $logfile $line $TFTPD] == 1 } {
                  puts $logfile "Configuration saved to TFTP server $TFTPD
                 } else {
                      puts $logfile "Configuration not saved to TFTP!\r"
                      puts $logfile "Check the log file\r"
                      puts $logfile "Router $line was configured"
          puts $logfile "but configuration was not saved to TFTP.\r"
              send "exit\r"
              } else {
                 puts $logfile "Problem encounted, "
                 puts $logfile "check the log file\r"
     puts $logfile "stop configuring this router!\r"
                 send "exit\r"

# login to router without TACACS+ in effect, router prompt for "password: "
# enable password will be used

  "word: " {
        puts $logfile "Connected to $line at [exec date]\r"
        puts $logfile "Not prompting for Username: ?\r"
        puts $logfile "Perhaps not using TACACS+?\r"
        puts $logfile "will try logging in by using enable password\r"
        send "$enablepass\r"
        expect {
                -re "(\[a-zA-Z]+)(\[0-9]+)-ZEROONE>" {
                   puts $logfile "Login successfully by using enable
                timeout {
                   puts $logfile "Incorrect password, exiting...\r"
                   send "exit\r"
        send "enable\r"
        expect "word: "
        send "$enablepass\r"
if { [config_router $configuration ] == 1 } {
                 puts $logfile "Configuration entered OK\r"
                 puts $logfile "Saving running configuration to NVRAM...\r"
                 if { [save_config_to_nvram] == 1 } {
                      puts $logfile "Configuration saved to NVRAM OK.\r"
                 } else {
                      puts $logfile "Configuration not saved to NVRAM!\r"
                      puts $logfile "Check the log file\r"
                      puts $logfile "Router $line was configured"
          puts $logfile "but configuration was not saved to NVRAM.\r"
             if { [save_config_to_net $logfile $line $TFTPD] == 1 } {
                  puts $logfile "Configuration saved to TFTP server $TFTPD
                 } else {
                      puts $logfile "Configuration not saved to TFTP!\r"
                      puts $logfile "Check the log file\r"
                      puts $logfile "Router $line was configured"
          puts $logfile "but configuration was not saved to TFTP.\r"
              send "exit\r"
              } else {
                 puts $logfile "Problem encounted, "
                 puts $logfile "check the log file\r"
     puts $logfile "stop configuring this router!\r"
                 send "exit\r"
  "Unable to connect" {
              puts $logfile "Can't telent to $line at [exec date]\r"
  timeout {
              puts $logfile "Can't configure $line at [exec date]\r"
              puts $logfile "Perhaps the prompt format is unexpected?\r"
close $logfile

# End of File