Cover V08, I04
Listing 1


Listing 1: Format of configuration files


# This is the device file for the volume group.
# Enter all of the devices to be used by the volume group.
# Enter one device per line.
# Examples are listed below:
#       c0t6d0
#       c0t6d1
#----------------- Insert below this line ----------------#


#^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Insert above this line ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^#
#          There should be no blank lines in between.

# This is how the info file for a volume group must be laid out.
# Number of striped devices must be "2" or greater. If it is not
# striped enter "0"
# LV           Size     Stripe  # Striped  Bad Block    File       Mount
# name         in PE    size    devices    Replacement  system     point

#------------------------ Example Below ----------------------------#
# swap       400      16         4          n           swap      swap

# lv1        352      8          2          y           hfs       /abc/a

#----------------- Insert below this line --------------------------#

 aviator     1000     8          3          y           vxfs      /aviator

 x2          1000     8          3          y           vxfs      /x2

 x3          1000     8          3          y           vxfs      /x3

# This is how the info file for a crash dump filesystem is laid out

# LV         Volume            Size       Disk               Mount
# name       group             in PE      Device             point

#------------------------ Example Below ----------------------------#

# fs          /dev/vg00          400      c4t6d0             dump

#----------------- Insert below this line --------------------------#

dump       /dev/scsi1         1023        c10t3d0           dump