Cover V09, I06
Sidebar 1
Sidebar 2


Sidebar 2: Config File

(example edited due to length)

# -*- sh -*-
#     tiger - A UN*X security checking system
#     Copyright (C) 1993 Douglas Lee Schales, David K. Hess, 
# David R. Safford # # Please see the file `COPYING' for the complete copyright notice. # # SunOS/4/config - 06/14/93 # #---------------------------------------------------------------- # # UUID=`/usr/bin/id | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/uid=\([0-9][0-9]*\).*$/\1/'` [ "$UUID" = "" ] && UNAME=`whoami` export UNAME [ "$UNAME" != "root" ] && { echo " " 1>&2 echo "This script should be run from a super-user account." 1>&2 echo " " 1>&2 # exit 1 } CAT=/usr/bin/cat LS=/bin/ls # -g to show group ownership LSGROUP="-lg" # -L to show file instead of symlink LSLINK="-L" RM=/bin/rm AWK=/usr/bin/awk GREP=/usr/bin/grep EGREP=/usr/bin/egrep # Silent grep SGREP="$EGREP -s" SED=/usr/bin/sed # export CAT LS LSGROUP LSLINK RM AWK GREP EGREP SGREP SED # CDIR="$BASEDIR/systems" eval ` while read var file do if [ -f "$CONFIG_DIR/$file" ]; then loc="$CONFIG_DIR" elif [ -f "$CDIR/$OS/$REL/$REV/$ARCH/$file" ]; then loc="$CDIR/$OS/$REL/$REV/$ARCH" elif [ -f "$CDIR/$OS/$REL/$REV/$file" ]; then loc="$CDIR/$OS/$REL/$REV" elif [ -f "$CDIR/$OS/$REL/$file" ]; then loc="$CDIR/$OS/$REL" elif [ -f "$CDIR/$OS/$file" ]; then loc="$CDIR/$OS" else loc="" fi if [ "$loc" != "" ]; then echo $var="$loc/$file;" else echo "$var=;" fi echo "export $var;" done << EOL GEN_PASSWD_SETS gen_passwd_sets GEN_GROUP_SETS gen_group_sets GEN_ALIAS_SETS gen_alias_sets CHECK_CRON check_cron GEN_BOOTPARAM_SETS gen_bootparam_sets GEN_EXPORT_SETS gen_export_sets GEN_SERVICES_SETS gen_services GET_MOUNTS gen_mounts SIGNATURE_FILE signatures SERVICESFILE services INETDFILE inetd FILE_ACL file_access_list SUID_LIST suid_list REL_FILE_EXCP rel_file_exp_list GEN_CRON_FILES gen_cron GETCLIENTDIRS gendlclients GEN_INETD_SETS gen_inetd GETDISKS getdisks EMBEDDEDLIST embedlist GETUSERHOME getuserhome EOL `