Cover V11, I05


Listing 3

#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw

# /www/html/admin/cgi-bin2/gethost.cgi
# CGI script front-end to the 'gethost' prgram
# by John D. Shearer
# Version 1.0a 

use CGI;

$page = CGI::new();

print $page->header();
print $page->start_html(-title=>'GetHost Web Front-End');
print "<center><h2>Front-End to the GetHost Program</h2>\n";
print "Use a . (dot) for a full list</center>\n";

print $page->startform(-method=>POST, 
print $page->textfield(-name=>"string",
print $page->submit('Search');
print "\n";
print $page->end_form();

$search = $page->param('string');

print <<EOD; 
e-mail Logons will appear between curly braces:  {  }<BR>
(e-mail logons are from the past 3 calendar days.)<br>
WINS information will appear between square brackets:  [ ]

if ($search) {
   print "<PRE>\n";
   print "IP Address       Most Recent Lease    MAC Address   Computer Name    Inventory Assignment      { e-mail } and [ WINS ] ->\n";
   print "---------------  -------------------  ------------  ---------------  ------------------------  --------------------------\n";
   open FILE, "/home/jsmith/gethost.list";
   while (<FILE>) {
      next unless /\Q$search/i;
      printf "$_";
   close FILE;
   print "\n</PRE>";
   print "<b>END</b>\n";

print $page->end_html;