Table of Contents

Volume 1, Number 4, (#4) Winter 1996

A Subjective Look at Object Oriented Programming
A guarded introduction to OOP.
Mike Stok

The generation and use of random numbers.
Jon Orwant

The Perl Purity Test
Are you a a wizard, a guru, or merely a user?
Jeff Okamoto

Using Usenet from Perl
(Thank you for not spamming.)
Graham Barr

New Modules
Recent additions to the CPAN.
Jon Orwant

CGI Programming: The LWP Library
How to write your own browsers, robots, and more.
Lincoln Stein

Perl/Tk: The Grid Geometry Manager
How to lay out widgets.
Steve Lidie

use Lovecraft qw(cthulhu);
A Lovecraftian homage to the new Camel book.
Charlie Stross