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Types of System Backups
Backup Media Types & Costs
Media $ Drive $ Med. Nat/Comp $/GB* $/10TB**
DVD-RW $100 $1.50 4.7GB $0.39 $4,000
Pro: Good for server config backups, DBs, and recovery data and tools
Con: Still expensive, easy to outgrow
Hard Disk$150 N/a 150GB $1.00 $10,000
Pro: Good for server config backups, DBs, and recovery data and tools
Con: Still expensive, easy to outgrow
DDS3 $400 $4 12/24GB $0.20 $2,400
Pro: Cheap price/GB, good for small jobs, easy to find media
Con: Outdated, limited growth potential
DDS4 $500 $8 20/40GB $0.24 $2,900
Pro: Cheaper of high end AIT drives, good for small-medium servers
Con: Comparative ROI of media over time is expensive
AIT-2 $1,100 $45 50/100GB $0.53 $6,400
Pro: Good middle road tape with growth potential. Good for changers
Con: Media still expensive/GB
AIT-3 $3,000 $50 100/200GB $0.29 $5,900
Pro: Cheaper end of AIT drives, good for small-medium servers
Con: Comparative ROI of media over time is expensive
LTO-1 $2,800 $35 100/200GB $0.21 $4,900
Pro: Great cost/GB, good for for mid-high end servers, & for streaming
Con: Newer tech, hard to find media, not good for start/stop
LTO-2 $3,800 $75 200/400GB $0.22 $6,000
Pro: Fair costs, good future growth direction for changers, & for streaming
Con: Expensive drive, newer tech, hard to find media, not good for start/stop