Figure 13: cu tilde commands
~. exit connection
~! escapes to an interactive shell on the local system
~!cmd runs cmd on the local system (using sh -c)
~$cmd runs cmd locally, and sends the output to the
remote system
~%take remote [ local ] gets the file remote and copies it to
the local system, using the file named
in [ local ]. If not specified, it uses
the same name.
~%put local [ remote ] put the file named in local onto the
remote system using the filename in
[ remote ]. If not specified, it uses
the same name.
~%b or ~%break send a break chararcter to the remote
~~... sends the line ~... to the remote
system. Any line which starts with a
tilde for the remote system to process
must be prefixed with a tilde.
~%nonstop Turn off XON/XOFF flow control. Used
on systems which do not respond or
interpret this protocol correctly.