Cover V02, I02
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4
Listing 5
Listing 6
Listing 7


Listing 2: maxsize.rc -- Configuration file for

# maxsize.rc - this is the configuration file
# used by cron to keep files at a certain size.  If
# the file is greater than max lines, then lines are
# removed from the beginning of the file.  This is
# useful for mail outboxes and log files that
# otherwise grow over time.
# owner must have permission to edit the file.

# fields are white-space delimited (ie, spaces or tabs)
# [dirpath/filename] [max lines] [permissions] [owner]

/usr/stevei/mail/outbox           5000  u+rw   stevei
/usr/local/parms/maxsize.log      50    a+rw   sneed
/u/work/sccs/sccs.log             3000  a+rw   root
/usr/root/.sulog                  500   u+rw   root
/usr/lib/sukill/sukill.log        3000  0660   glenbo