Disks are by definition too small: this is a law of
nature. Monitoring
your filesystems to keep disks from getting full is
the best remedy,
but this is easier said than done. Potential disk-burners
Files that only grow a little each day and are not deleted
by some cron activity.
The slower growing files (and sometimes the rapidly
ones as well) pose a problem: where is the guilty file?
As a system administrator I used to spend several hours
per month
trying to find out where the diskspace was being used.
Of course,
every day I studied the output of df, but that told
me only
what I already knew: diskspace was shrinking every day.
When the 90
percent limit was exceeded or when I saw a jump of 10
percent or more
downwards in the output of df I had to search the directory
(and then find the person) who had abused my disks.
This article discusses a tool that can give you a quick
overview of
how diskspace is being used and which directories are
A Disk Usage Report Generator
The shell tool that I created does the following:
Occasionally, runs today's data on last month's data
to select the slow-growing directories.
I use four scripts: du_daily (Listing 2), a script
executed by cron every night to run du on filesystems
under examination; fss_daily (Listing 3), a script that
the comparison and mails the result; fss.sh (Listing
1), the
script that actually does the comparison; and du_clean
(Listing 4),
a cleanup script to prevent my scripts from being
blamed for using
The first lines in the du_daily script are dependent
on your
installation. All of these lines are marked with the
text DEP. Configuration
should not be difficult.
How the Scripts Work
The fss.sh script, which compares the output of two
sessions, is run by the following command:
fss.sh -'+>' -o olddu -n newdu
where "=" represents equal, "-"
removed, ">" represents larger, "<"
represents smaller,
and "+" represents removed.
The du_daily script runs every night. As part of its
it calls fss_daily and, when fss_daily is finished,
du_clean. du_clean keeps every report of the first day
of the month. It also keeps the recently produced reports.
You can
configure in du_daily how many reportdays must be kept.
Calling du_daily
The cron command line to run du_daily is as follows:
30 2 * * * (cd /home3/leo/fss; du_daily)
The scripts are supposed to be executed in the same
directory where
datafiles and scripts are placed (i.e., /home3/leo/fss).
the first night fss.sh will fail but the datafiles will
be created, so the run on the second night will succeed.
Figure 1
shows sample output.
About the Author
Leo Willems is a UNIX systems programmer and consultant.
For the
last six years he has conducted and developed UNIX-related
courses for AT
Computing. At the present time, he is working for TUNIX
Open System
Consultants. He can be reached at tunix.kun.nl.