Cover V02, I04
Figure 1
Figure 2
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3


Figure 1: Flags for the admin command

Format is: admin -f<flag><text>

Flag Example Description
Fi-fb admin -fb s.file Allows the use of get -b to set branch deltas.
-fcCEIL admin -fc10 s.file The highest release of a file which may be entered by a get command for editing. The range if 0-9999. The default value for an unspecified c flag is 9999.
-ffFLOOR admin -ff5 s.file The lowest release of a file which may be entered by a get command for editing. The range is 1-9999. The default for an unspecified f flag is 1.
-fdSID admin -fd2 s.file The is the number which the SID will be incremented by each time a new SID must be created.
-fi<string> admin -fi s.file Setting this flag causes the "no idkeywords" error to be treated as fatal. Procesing stops. The absence of this flag means that the message is only a warning, and is non-fatal.
-fj admin -j s. file This flag allows concurrent edits of the same SID.
-fn admin -fn s.file This flag creates a "null" delta in those releases (if any) being skipped. For example, if release 5.1 is made after 2.7, a null delta for release 3 and 4 will be created so that branch deltas may be created for them later.
-fqTEXT admin -fq"OK" s.file This is a user definable text string which is replaced for all occurrences of the keyword.
-fmMOD admin -fmsrc s.file This is the value for substituting the keyword for and is the name of the module. If these is no defined value, it defaults to the file name with the leading s. removed.
-ftTYPE admin -ftTEXT s.file This is the type of file, and is substituted for all occurrences of the keyword. There is no default value.
-fvPGM admin -fv s.file This indicates that MR numbers should be collected when making deltas to this file. If the optional program name is given, this is the name of a program which will validate the MR number.