Listing 3: dirmnu
# dirmnu
# usage: dirmnu <title> <prompt> <dir> "pattern"
# "dirmnu" lists the contents of a directory that match patterns
# and allows the user to select one by entering a number.
# Typical application is in a shell script, using the
# back-quote mechanism, as in:
# file=`dirmnu "Here are the files" "Select one" . "*.txt"`
# initialize variables, verify & extract parameters
[ $# != 3 -a $# != 4 ] &&
echo "dirmnu: usage: dirmnu <title> <prompt> <dir> <pattern>" >&2
&& exit
shift 3
[ "$pattern" = "" ] && pattern="*"
# print the title
clear >&2
echo >&2
echo $title >&2
echo >&2
# list the files, numbered, and in columns
cd $dir
#first check to see that files exist
count=`ls -d $pattern 2>/dev/null | wc -l`
if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then
echo >&2
echo "***NO ITEMS AVAILABLE***" >&2
echo >&2
echo "Press <Return> to ABORT..." >&2
read dummy >&2
echo "ABORT"
# now figure the number of columns
maxlen=`ls -d $pattern 2>/dev/null |
awk 'BEGIN {max=8}
length($0)>max {max=length($0)}
END {print max}' `
colwidth=`expr $maxlen + 5`
numcol=`expr 80 / $colwidth`
ls -d $pattern |
awk '{print " " $0}' |
pr -t -n\)2 -w80 -$numcol -i" "1 >&2 2>/dev/null
# get the user's choice
num_files=`ls -d $pattern | wc -l` # count the # of files
echo >&2
choice=`getnum 1 $num_files "$prompt"`
[ "$choice" = ABORT ] && echo "ABORT" && exit
# extract the filename from the directory listing
chosen_file=`ls -d $pattern | head -$choice | tail -1`
[ ! -r $chosen_file ] &&
echo "dirmnu: File does not exist or unreadable" >&2 &&
echo "ABORT" && exit
# return the filename on stdout
echo $chosen_file