Do you want to improve your AIX backup and restore capabilities
buying software? If so, you may find the approach I
describe here
useful. Most company's systems have IBM 8mm tapedrives,
either 2.3Gb
or 5.0Gb. Some systems have additional 5.0Gb tapedrives.
Disk space
varies from 1Gb up to as much as 20Gb. Some of the objectives
our backup/restore system were:
a Bootable System backup, and also the ability to back-up
files outside of the root volume group.
AUTOBACK for Bootable System Backups
You probably are familiar with smit mksysb. The script
Listing 1, autoback, uses this as a starting point.
A shortcoming
of smit mksysb is that smit.log does not show the
output from the command. The idea here is to capture
the output from
stdout and stderr when this command is executed, so
that you'll be able to start the backup automatically,
from crontab.
(See the sidebar, "Using crontab to Start Backups
The first section of autoback creates a subdirectory
in which
to keep listings and errors generated during backups,
if the subdirectory
has not already been created. Next, the tape devicename
is set as
a variable. In our environment, this is done by a call
to a program
that echoes the correct devicename. The listing shows
this as commented
out. You can create your own version of the program
if you have different
systems with various tapedrives you wish to use, and
still keep the
script standardized across all systems.
Notice the chdev command for setting the blocksize.
With the
command provided here, you never have to guess at the
blocksize when
you need to restore files from the tape (I once accidentally
set the
blocksize to zero -- the resulting tapes were unreadable!).
autoback generates output filenames based on the day
of the
week. That way, the names are reused after seven days,
which limits
the diskspace usage. This namery convention created
problems when
backups started after midnight on one day, then before
midnight the
second day: the second backup overwrote the files of
the previous
backup. The dayofwk command shown in Listing 2 solves
problem nicely.
Next comes the requisite /bin/mkszfile -f command (the
option causes a forced increase of work area if required),
which creates
the list of filesystems and their sizes in the root
Then the mksysb command captures the listing files in
and the error output in Ddd.err (where Ddd is the first
letters of the day of the week).
Finally, autoback ejects the tape from the drive. I
to do this for several reasons: (1) it is more convenient
to set up
the next day's backup if the tape is already ejected,
and (2) if someone
forgets to change the tape, then the backup from one
night will not
be overwritten when the next night's backup is started.
Instead, someone
will be notified the next day that the tape was not
ready when the
backup tried to start. However, I sometimes work on
a weekend on a
system in another city, over a modem, when no one is
in the remote
office to load the tape. I like the safety net of having
a complete
tape backup before I start, but I also like to be able
to restore
files by modem, if needed, before people come in the
following Monday
morning. So if I create a file /bin3/nounload, then
for one
time only the tape eject does not occur.
The autoback script in Listing 1 creates bootable backup
reliably, and backs up all the files in the root volume
group. At
a certain point, however, some of the systems needed
so much disk
space that it became impossible to add all the disks
to rootvg.
Since mksysb uses the tar command, a similar script,
shown in Listing 3, was developed. The script's name,
derives from the application we run on our systems,
QBridge (C) (trademark
of Qantel/Decesion Data Inc).
QBBACK for Non-Root Volume Group Data
qbback is similar to autoback, except that it uses
the tar command instead of mksysb, and requires some
additional parameters. The tape devicename is set to
but in the future the devicename could become a parameter,
which would
allow us to back-up separate directory hierarchies to
multiple tapedrives
The first parameter provides an additional qualifier
to specify the
output listing and error files. I suggest starting the
parameter with
a dot. For example, if the first parameter was .jack
and it
was Monday, then the resulting files would be Mon.jack.listing
and Mon.jack.err. The second through fifth parameters
pathnames for directories to be included in the backup.
For example,
the command line:
qbback .jack ./home/jack ./home/sally
would back-up everything under jack and sally
Error Notification
Error notification with Listing 4, bkpchk, scans the error files
checking the file sizes. When no errors occur, the filesize will
zero for the tar command. For the mksysb command, certain
are normally output to stderr, and with AIX release 3.4 the size
is always 181 bytes when nothing unusual occurs. If the user responds
affirmatively to the prompt, the files are renamed to .sav to prevent
the message
text from displaying at every login, but still are kept available for
later study.
Since writing this article, I've encountered a situation
whereby the error output from the backup did not indicate
any problems
during the backup, but several files came off the tape
with zero bytes.
It seems that two of the commercial backup software
offerings advertised
in Sys Admin magazine have a tape data verification
which is something the tar and backup from IBM do
not have. As a result I have placed orders for evaluation
copies of
each package, with the expectation of purchasing one
of them in the
near future.
About the Author
Steve Peterson is employed by The Travelers Plan Administrators,
a subsidiary of The Travelers Corporation, involved
with healthcare
insurance. He has worked as a VM Systems Programmer,
an MVS Systems
Programmer, and, in the last two years, as an RS/6000
Systems Administrator.
He holds a B.S. in Physics from the University of Massachusetts,
an M.S. in Computer Science from Renuselaer Polytechnical
He has also started a software company with a product
for reading
and writing 9-track tapes on the RS/6000.