Listing 1
#- Author of this Program: William Genosa -#
#- Program Name and Release: @(#)sysstat 1.4 -#
#- File Name Used by SCCS: s.sysstat -#
#- Date and Time of Release: 1/3/94 10:05:52 -#
#- -#
#- Description and Usage: -#
#- This script should be run from CRON every 15 minutes to create -#
#- reports based on statistics gathered from the VMSTAT and IOSTAT -#
#- commands. VMSTAT is used to report about processes, virtual memory -#
#- usage, paging, interupts, and cpu utilization. IOSTAT is used to -#
#- report about disk I/O activity and throughput. -#
#--------------------------BEGIN PROGRAM----------------------------------#
#- We need to define locations where the reports are to be archived. The -#
#- format used is similar to the format used by SAR. Each report will -#
#- have the day of the month appended to it, (io15 and vm15 for the 15th -#
#- of the month). This scheme automatically creates reports which are -#
#- overwritten every month. The TIME variable is used to timestamp the -#
#- output each time the script is run. -#
#----------------------SOME VARIABLE ASSIGNMENTS--------------------------#
IO_OUT=/var/adm/stat/io`date +%d` #- IOSTATs out file. -#
VM_OUT=/var/adm/stat/vm`date +%d` #- VMSTATs out file. -#
TIME=`date +%H:%M` #- Format of DATE is -#
#- 22:30 = 10:30 pm. -#
#------------------------SET UP THE OUPUT FILES---------------------------#
#- If the two output files do not exist, then they need to be created -#
#- with the header information in the file. If the time is midnight, the -#
#- output files need to be truncated to remove the information recorded -#
#- from a previous month, and to have the header information re-created. -#
if [ ! -f "${IO_OUT}" -o "${TIME}" = "00:00" ] #- Set up the output -#
then #- file for IOSTAT. -#
echo "Time Disks: % tm_act Kbps tps msps\
Kb_read Kb_wrtn" > ${IO_OUT}
if [ ! -f "${VM_OUT}" -o "${TIME}" = "00:00" ] #- Set up the output -#
then #- file for VMSTAT. -#
echo "
Time Procs Memory Page Faults Cpu
---- ----- ----------- ------------------------ ------------ -----------
r b avm fre re pi po fr sr cy in sy cs us sy id wa\
\n" > ${VM_OUT}
#----------------------COLLECT IOSTAT STATISTICS--------------------------#
#- This program is being run on an RS-6000. The LSPV command generates -#
#- a line of output for each physical disk drive on the system with the -#
#- first field containing the name of the physical disk. The FOR loop -#
#- runs iostat on each physical disk four times, every two seconds. The -#
#- first line of output from IOSTAT provides cumulative averages since -#
#- the last reboot. This line is filtered out by TAIL and the remaining -#
#- three lines are piped into AWK which splits each field into an array. -#
#- The values stored in each array are summed and assigned to variables. -#
#- Then each variable is divided by three to get an average which is -#
#- output by AWK and assigned to the variable IOSTRING which is appended -#
#- to the output file. Note that the timestamp is shown only once for -#
#- each stanza of output. -#
for DISK in `lspv | awk '{print $1}'` #- Begin FOR loop. -#
IOSTRING=`iostat ${DISK} 2 4 | grep hdisk | tail -3 | awk '
{ #- Begin AWK script. -#
for (i = 1; i <= 3; ++i) #- 4 samples taken. -#
{ #- Begin AWK FOR. -#
disk = $1 #- For each disk get -#
split($2,act," ");act[i] #- % disk is active, -#
split($3,kbp," ");kbp[i] #- Number kbyte/sec, -#
split($4,tps," ");tps[i] #- Number xfers/sec, -#
split($5,kbr," ");kbr[i] #- Kbytes/sec read, -#
split($6,kbw," ");kbw[i] #- Kbytes/sec wrote, -#
acttot += act[i] #- Total % activity, -#
kbptot += kbp[i] #- Total kbytes/sec, -#
tpstot += tps[i] #- Total xfers/sec, -#
kbrtot += kbr[i] #- Total kb/s read, -#
kbwtot += kbw[i] #- Total kb/s wrote, -#
actavg = acttot / 3 #- Average activity, -#
kbpavg = kbptot / 3 #- Ave kbytes/sec, -#
tpsavg = tpstot / 3 #- Ave xfers/sec, -#
kbravg = kbrtot / 3 #- Ave kb/sec read, -#
kbwavg = kbwtot / 3 #- Ave kb/sec wrote. -#
} #- End AWK FOR loop. -#
} #- End AWK script. -#
END { printf ( "%s %13.1f %9.1f %9.1f %17d %9d\n", \
disk, actavg, kbpavg, tpsavg, kbravg, kbwavg) }'`
if echo ${IOSTRING} | grep "hdisk0" > /dev/null #- The first line of -#
then #- output each time -#
echo "\n${TIME} ${IOSTRING}" >> ${IO_OUT} #- the script is run -#
else #- will contain the -#
echo " ${IOSTRING}" >> ${IO_OUT} #- timestamp. -#
done #- End FOR loop. -#
#----------------------COLLECT VMSTAT STATISTICS--------------------------#
#- As with IOSTAT, the first line of output from VMSTAT provides -#
#- cumulative averages since the last reboot. This line is filtered out -#
#- with TAIL and the remaing output is piped into AWK which splits each -#
#- field into an array. The values stored in the array are summed and -#
#- assigned to variables. Then each variable is divided by three to get -#
#- an average which is output by AWK and assigned to the variable -#
#- VMSTRING which is appended to the output file. Note that the -#
#- timestamp is shown for each stanza of output. -#
VMSTRING=`vmstat 2 4 | tail -3 | awk '
{ #- Begin AWK script. -#
for (i = 1; i <= 3; ++i) #- 4 samples taken. -#
{ #- Begin AWK FOR. -#
split($1,p_r," "); p_r[i] #- Get process runq, -#
split($2,p_b," "); p_b[i] #- Blocked process, -#
split($3,m_avm," ");m_avm[i] #- Free pg space 4K, -#
split($4,m_fre," ");m_fre[i] #- Free real mem 4K, -#
split($5,p_re," "); p_re[i] #- Pages reclaimed, -#
split($6,p_pi," "); p_pi[i] #- Pages paged in, -#
split($7,p_po," "); p_po[i] #- Pages paged out, -#
split($8,p_fr," "); p_fr[i] #- Pages freed, -#
split($9,p_sr," "); p_sr[i] #- Pages scanned, -#
split($10,p_cy," "); p_cy[i] #- Page Table scans, -#
split($11,f_in," "); f_in[i] #- Device interupts, -#
split($12,f_sy," "); f_sy[i] #- System calls, -#
split($13,f_cs," "); f_cs[i] #- Context switches, -#
split($14,c_us," "); c_us[i] #- CPU in user mode, -#
split($15,c_sy," "); c_sy[i] #- CPU in sys mode, -#
split($16,c_id," "); c_id[i] #- CPU idle time, -#
split($17,c_wa," "); c_wa[i] #- CPU waiting I/O, -#
p_rtot += p_r[i] #- Total runqueue, -#
p_btot += p_b[i] #- Total blocked, -#
m_avmtot += m_avm[i] #- Total page space, -#
m_fretot += m_fre[i] #- Total free mem, -#
p_retot += p_re[i] #- Total reclaims, -#
p_pitot += p_pi[i] #- Total page ins, -#
p_potot += p_po[i] #- Total page outs, -#
p_frtot += p_fr[i] #- Total freed page, -#
p_srtot += p_sr[i] #- Total pages scan, -#
p_cytot += p_cy[i] #- Total PT scans, -#
f_intot += f_in[i] #- Total dev intrpt, -#
f_sytot += f_sy[i] #- Total sys calls, -#
f_cstot += f_cs[i] #- Total context sw, -#
c_ustot += c_us[i] #- Total CPU in usr, -#
c_sytot += c_sy[i] #- Total CPU in sys, -#
c_idtot += c_id[i] #- Total CPU idle, -#
c_watot += c_wa[i] #- Total waiting IO, -#
p_ravg = p_rtot / 3 #- Ave size of runq, -#
p_bavg = p_btot / 3 #- Ave proc blocked, -#
m_avmavg = m_avmtot / 3 #- Ave page space, -#
m_freavg = m_fretot / 3 #- Ave free memory, -#
p_reavg = p_retot / 3 #- Ave reclaimed pg, -#
p_piavg = p_pitot / 3 #- Ave page ins, -#
p_poavg = p_potot / 3 #- Ave page outs, -#
p_fravg = p_frtot / 3 #- Ave pages freed, -#
p_sravg = p_srtot / 3 #- Ave page scanned, -#
p_cyavg = p_cytot / 3 #- Average PT scans, -#
f_inavg = f_intot / 3 #- Ave # of dev int, -#
f_syavg = f_sytot / 3 #- Ave # sys calls, -#
f_csavg = f_cstot / 3 #- Ave context swts, -#
c_usavg = c_ustot / 3 #- Ave CPU usr mode, -#
c_syavg = c_sytot / 3 #- Ave CPU sys mode, -#
c_idavg = c_idtot / 3 #- Ave idle time, -#
c_waavg = c_watot / 3 #- Ave waiting I/O. -#
} #- End AWK FOR loop. -#
} #- End AWK script. -#
END { printf ( "%3d %2d %5d %5d %3d %3d %3d %3d %4d %3d %3d %4d %3d \
%2d %2d %2d %2d\n", p_ravg, p_bavg, m_avmavg, m_freavg, p_reavg, \
p_piavg, p_poavg, p_fravg, p_sravg, p_cyavg, f_inavg, f_syavg, f_csavg, \
c_usavg, c_syavg, c_idavg, c_waavg) }'`
echo "${TIME} ${VMSTRING}" >> ${VM_OUT} #- Append time+data. -#
#------------------------------END PROGRAM--------------------------------#