Listing 3: VMS DECnet object
$! Filename: DNET_CMD.COM
$! Author: Dave Brillhart
$! This procedure is executed as an object via DECnet.
$! It accepts either a single "batch" command or a
$! series of interactive commands - read from the
$! DECnet channel - and executes them via the local
$! machine's command interpertor. The commands' output
$! (both sys$output and sys$error) is sent back
$! through the DECnet channel.
$! Locate this DCL procedure in top level directory of
$! the account that is being asked to execute the
$! object.
$ set noverify
$ node = F$LOGICAL("SYS$NODE")
$ uic = F$USER()
$! Open the network channel (sys$net) for read&write,
$! get a single line and echo back the command.
$ get_new_cmd:
$ open/write decnet_link sys$net
$ read/end_of_file=cleanup/error=abort/time=30 -
decnet_link fromnet
$ if (F$LENGTH(fromnet) .le. 1) then goto cleanup
$ write decnet_link -
"RECEIVED CMD: ''fromnet' on ''node' as ''uic'"
$ write decnet_link "******************************"
$! Redirect output to a file, execute the command,
$! and undo the redirects.
$ assign decnet_cmd.tmp sys$error
$ assign decnet_cmd.tmp sys$output
$ 'fromnet' !* execute command, output to temp file *
$ deassign sys$output
$ deassign sys$error
$! Open the file containing the command's output and
$! write it to the open channel.
$ open/read decnet_cmd_data decnet_cmd.tmp
$ readline:
$ read/end_of_file=cmd_done/error=cmd_done/time=1 -
decnet_cmd_data fromfile
$ write decnet_link "''fromfile' "
$ goto readline
$! Complete this command, delete the file, and go get
$! another command.
$ cmd_done:
$ write decnet_link "******************************"
$ write decnet_link "EOC" !* Marker string *
$ close decnet_cmd_data
$ if (F$SEARCH("decnet_cmd.tmp") .NES. "") then -
delete decnet_cmd.tmp;*
$ goto get_new_cmd
$! Close the channel and exit.
$ cleanup:
$ write decnet_link "CLOSING DECNET CHANNEL"
$ write decnet_link ""
$ close decnet_link
$ exit
$ abort:
$ write decnet_link "ERROR: CLOSING DECNET CHANNEL"
$ close decnet_link
$ exit