Cover V03, I04
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Listing 1


Figure 2: String definitions and macro invocations refer places in its output

|   Refer output  |
|Name  |Type  | Explanation     |
|[.    |String| String to start label ([F) in text   |
|].    |String| String to end label ([F) in text     |
|[o    |String| Open quotation marks   |
|[c    |String| Close quotation marks  |
|[X    |String| Text assigned to key-letter X |
|[<<    |Macro | Start of refer output, when flag -e specified|
|]>>    |Macro | End of refer output, when flag -e specified |
|]-    |Macro | Begin of bibliographic data in input |
|][ A B|Macro | End of  bibliographic  data  in  input.  This|
|      |      | macro has 2 parameters when invoked: |
|      |      | if A is 0 B is set to "other" |
|      |      | if A is 1 B is set to "journal-article"     |
|      |      | if A is 2 B is set to "book"  |
|      |      | if A is 3 B is set to "article-in-book"     |
|      |      | if A is 4 B is set to "report"|