Cover V03, I05
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Listing 1
Listing 2
Sidebar 1


Listing 1: create.diskinit

#- Author  of  this  Program:   William Genosa                               -#
#- Program Name and  Release:   @(#)create.diskinit    1.3                   -#
#- File  Name  Used by  SCCS:   s.create.diskinit                            -#
#- Tested on Sybase Versions:   4.2 and 4.92 for AIX                         -#
#- Last Date of Modification:   94/05/31                                     -#
#-                                                                           -#
#- Description:                                                              -#
#-   This program will extract disk information from the master database and -#
#- create  the  disk  init  sql that would re-create the physical to logical -#
#- configuration of the server.   The disk init command initializes physical -#
#- disk space into virtual database space. Virtual database space is defined -#
#- in 2k pages that are grouped into allocation units of 256 pages per unit. -#
#- Physical to virtual mapping is stored in two sybase system tables  called -#
#- sysdevices and sysusages.  Information from these two tables will be used -#
#- to re-create the disk init sql script.                                    -#
#-                                                                           -#
#-      This program is broken into five sections.                           -#
#-                                                                           -#
#-      Section 1  -  Set up environment variables.                          -#

#-      Section 2  -  Creates a temporary script which will generate sql.    -#
#-      Section 3  -  Retrieves device information from the database.        -#
#-      Section 4  -  Executes the script which generates the disk init sql. -#
#-      Section 5  -  Clean up temporary files used.                         -#
#-                                                                           -#
#- This  program is run in the bourne shell to remain compatable across unix -#
#- platforms.  Final output of this program will appear as shown below, once -#
#- it has been checked into sccs.  If you do not wish to use sccs, then omit -#
#- the section of code which creates the header.                             -#
#-                                                                           -#
#-   /******************************************************************/    -#
#-   /*  Program Name  and Release: @(#)diskinit.sql 1.1               */    -#
#-   /*  File  Name  Used  by SCCS: s.diskinit.sql                     */    -#
#-   /*  Last Date of Modification: 94/05/31                           */    -#
#-   /*******************************************************************    -#
#-      log01:N/A                                                            -#
#-      PV                COPIES        IN BAND       DISTRIBUTION           -#
#-      hdisk1            275:000:000   23%           036:064:065:045:065    -#
#-   *******************************************************************/    -#
#-   disk init name = "log01",                                               -#
#-         physname = "/dev/rlog01",                                         -#
#-           vdevno = 2,                                                     -#
#-             size = 563200                                                 -#
#-   go                                                                      -#
#-                                                                           -#
#-   /******************************* END ******************************/    -#
#------------------------------ Section 1 ------------------------------------#
#- In this section we assign our environment variables. Because this program -#
#- may  be  one  of  several programs which is to be executed using the same -#
#- variable assignments,  provisions have been made for variable assignments -#
#- to be done within this program or via an external file.     As mentioned, -#
#- this program creates the disk init sql. Other programs which could create -#
#- segments, tables, indexes, rules, triggers,  stored procedures, defaults, -#
#- and databases may read from the same CONFIG file for variable assignment. -#
#- Then only one CONFIG file would need modification instead of editing each -#
#- program individually. Only variables which would be considered global are -#
#- to be kept in the file assigned to the variable CONFIG. Notice the use of -#
#- the dot command for exporting variables in the CONFIG file.               -#
CONFIG=/accts/scr/scripts/.config #- Global variable configuration file.     -#
if [ -f "${CONFIG}" ]             #- If the  global  variable  configuration -#
then                              #- exists, then use it.   Otherwise set up -#
. ${CONFIG}                    #- the  variables locally in this program. -#
SYBASE=/home/sybase            #- Sybase directory structure location.    -#
DSQUERY=ACCTS                  #- Locates the server in interface file.   -#
LOGIN=sa                       #- Sybase sa login.                        -#
PASSWORD=guessme               #- The password for sa.                    -#
QUERYOUT=/tmp/query            #- Holds output of a query.                -#
PROGRAM=/tmp/program           #- Temporary executable that creates sql.  -#
SQLDIR=/acct/src/sql           #- Directory where output should go.       -#

SQL=${SQLDIR}/diskinit.sql        #- The generated sql script.               -#

export SQL

#------------------------------ Section 2 ------------------------------------#
#- This  section of code will  create a temporary executable file which will -#
#- be saved in the file assigned to the variable PROGRAM.   The PROGRAM will -#
#- generate  sql code  containing  the  disk init  command.  When PROGRAM is -#
#- executed,  it  will  take  input  from  the file assigned to the variable -#
#- QUERYOUT.  The input file assigned to QUERYOUT is loaded with information -#
#- retrieved from the database. That information is in the following format: -#
#-                                                                           -#
#-       sybase_name  physical_name  device_number  size_in_2k_pages         -#
#-       -----------  -------------  -------------  ----------------         -#
#-             log01    /dev/rlog01              2            563200         -#
#-                                                                           -#
#- The syntax of a disk init command is as follows:                          -#
#-                                                                           -#
#-               disk init name = "sybase_name",                             -#
#-                     physname = "physical_name",                           -#
#-                       vdevno = device_number,                             -#
#-                         size = size_in_2k_pages                           -#
#-                                                                           -#
#- Because this is an  IBM  RS-6000,  the logical volume information is also -#
#- included  with  the  name  of  the physical volume as well as the logical -#
#- volume distribution.  If you wish to run this program on a  Sun platform, -#
#- remove  the  lines which have been tagged as RS-6000 specific.  The final -#
#- command  in  this section gives execute permission to the created script. -#
echo "while read line
name=\`echo \${line} | awk '{print \$1}'\`
physname=\`echo \${line} | awk '{print \$2}'\`
vdevno=\`echo \${line} | awk '{print \$3}'\`
size=\`echo \${line} | awk '{print \$4}'\`
#-------------------- Begin RS-6000 Specific Code ---------------------------#
logvol=\`echo \${line} | awk '{print \$2}' | awk '-F/' '{print \$3}' | \
sed \"s/^r//g\"\`
if lslv -l \${logvol} 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
echo \"/*******************************************************************\"
lslv -l \${logvol} | sed \"s/^/   /g\" 2>/dev/null
echo \"*******************************************************************/\"
echo \"/******************************************************************/\"
#---------------------- End RS-6000 Specific Code ---------------------------#
echo \"disk init name = \\\"\${name}\\\",\"
echo \"      physname = \\\"\${physname}\\\",\"
echo \"        vdevno = \${vdevno},\"
echo \"          size = \${size}\"
echo \"go\"
echo \" \"
done < ${QUERYOUT}" > ${PROGRAM}
chmod 700 ${PROGRAM}

#------------------------------ Section 3 ------------------------------------#
#- This section executes the query below,   filters the output and populates -#
#- the file assigned to the QUERYOUT variable.   The query joins 2 tables in -#
#- the master database (system catalog).   Those tables are  sysdevices  and -#
#- sysusages.   The  sysdevices  table  has  one  entry  for  each  database -#
#- device.   The  sysusages  table accounts for the servers disk allocation. -#
#- The attributes are projected to columns named QQZZ so the header returned -#
#- by the server can be easily filtered out. The name and phyname attributes -#
#- are  truncated  with  substring so each device will be returned with only -#
#- one line of output. The column QQZZ3 is the device number. Device numbers -#
#- are assigned by the sa.   Device numbers must be unique numbers between 1 -#
#- and 255.  The  device  number determines the sybase starting virtual page -#
#- address.  The following calculation is an example of how to determine the -#
#- starting sybase virtual page number  (sysdevices.low) for a device number -#
#- which is 13.                                                              -#
#-                    device number = 13 in base 10                          -#
#-                               13 = D in hex                               -#
#-                  0xD * 0x1000000 = 218103808 base 10                      -#
#-                        218103808 = sysdevices.low (starting logical page) -#
#-                                                                           -#
#- The  column  QQZZ4  is  the size of the database device in 2k pages.  The -#
#- calculation to determine the size is shown below.                         -#
#-                                                                           -#
#-       size in 2k pages = sysdevice.high - sysdevices.low + 1              -#
#-                                                                           -#
#- The join is restricted by using the where clause to  specify which of the -#
#- rows to return.  In this case, rows returned will have a virtual starting -#
#- address in sysusages between the  low and high address of sysdevices,  as -#
#- well as being a special device which is either a  default or  non-default -#
#- disk.  The  union  operator  is  used  to  combine results for both  non- -#
#- default and default devices repectively.  The query is passed directly to -#
#- the client  isql and the result from the server is filtered with egrep to -#
#- remove the header and trailing blank line.   The filtered output is saved -#
#- to the file assigned to QUERYOUT.                                         -#
echo "set nocount on
use master
select  QQZZ1 = substring(, 1, 24),
QQZZ2 = substring(d.phyname, 1, 32),
QQZZ3 = convert(tinyint,substring(convert(binary(4),d.low),1,1)),
QQZZ4 = d.high - d.low + 1
from sysdevices d, sysusages u
where u.vstart between d.low and d.high
and d.cntrltype = 0 and d.status = 2
select  QQZZ1 = substring(, 1, 24),
QQZZ2 = substring(d.phyname, 1, 32),
QQZZ3 = convert(tinyint,substring(convert(binary(4),d.low),1,1)),
QQZZ4 = d.high - d.low + 1
from sysdevices d, sysusages u
where u.vstart between d.low and d.high
and d.cntrltype = 0 and d.status = 3
order by QQZZ3
go" | ${SYBASE}/bin/isql -U${LOGIN} -P${PASSWORD} | egrep -v "QQZZ|\-|^$" | \
awk '$3 > 0 {print}' > ${QUERYOUT}

#------------------------------ Section 4 ------------------------------------#
#- The program created in Section 2 is now executed to generate the diskinit -#
#- sql  statements  based  on the information retrieved from the database in -#
#- Section 3.  The output file assigned to the varaible SQL is truncated and -#
#- a header is placed in the file containing sccs keyword identifiers.   The -#
#- PROGRAM is executed and appended to the file assigned to SQL. Sed is used -#
#- to replace the question marks with percent signs  to  prevent  sccs  from -#
#- expanding  the keywords when this program,  create.diskinit,  is  checked -#
#- into sccs.      The keywords placed in the header of the created SQL file -#
#- are to be used when checking the SQL file into sccs.                      -#
> ${SQL}
echo "/******************************************************************/"   \
>> ${SQL}
echo "/*  Program Name  and Release: ?W?               */"                  | \
sed "s/?/%/g" >> ${SQL}
echo "/*  File  Name  Used  by SCCS: ?F? ?Y?                    */"         | \
sed "s/?/%/g" >> ${SQL}
echo "/*  Last Date of Modification: ?D? ?Q?                          */"   | \
sed "s/?/%/g" >> ${SQL}

${PROGRAM} >> ${SQL}
echo "/******************************* END ******************************/" \
>> ${SQL}

#------------------------------ Section 5 ------------------------------------#
#- The files assigned to PROGRAM and QUERYOUT are no longer needed.   System -#
#- Administrators  should  appreciate the removal of files no longer needed. -#
rm -f ${QUERYOUT}
rm -f ${PROGRAM}
