Cover V03, I05
Listing 1
Sidebar 1


Listing 1: The mvdir script

1     # mvdir
2     AWKTYPE=/usr/bin/awk;    export AWKTYPE
3     CUT=/usr/bin/cut;        export CUT
4     MV=/bin/mv;              export MV
5     CPIO=/bin/cpio;          export CPIO
6     MKDIR=/bin/mkdir;        export MKDIR
7     FIND=/bin/find;          export FIND
8     BASENAME=/bin/basename;  export BASENAME
9     DF=/bin/df;              export DF
11     if [ $# != 2 ]
12     then
13        echo "Usage: mvdir srcdir destdir"
14        exit 1
15     fi
16     srcdir=$1        # source directory to be moved
17     destdir=$2       # destination directory
19     if [ $srcdir = . ]
20     then # may not move pwd
21        echo "mvdir: cannot move '.'"
22        exit 1
23     fi
25     if [  ! -d $srcdir ]
26     then  # may only move a directory
27        echo "mvdir: $srcdir must be a directory"
28        exit 1
29     fi
31     basedir=`$BASENAME $srcdir`
32     if [ -d $destdir ]
33     then
34        destdir=$destdir/$basedir
35     else # check for a legal path minus the basename
36        retdir=`echo $destdir|$AWKTYPE '
37              {
38              pos=index($0,"/")  # Where is the first slash?
39              if (pos)
40                 {
41                 nofields=split($0, s, "/")
42                 stp = nofields - 1
43                 for (i=1; i<=stp; i++)
44                    {
45                    if (s[i] == "" && pos == 1 && i == 1)
46                       { # the first position is a slash
47                       retstr="/"
48                       continue
49                       }
50                    if (i == stp) # no trailing slash on last field
51                       retstr=retstr s[i]
52                    else
53                       retstr=retstr s[i]"/"
54                    }
55                  print retstr
56                 }
57              else  # destination is not a directory
58                 print "NO-PATH"
59              }
60           '` # end awk script
61        if [ ! -d $retdir -a $retdir != "NO-PATH" ]
62        then  # no illegal directory names
63           echo "mvdir: $retdir directory does not exist  "
64           exit 1
65        fi
66     fi
68     if [ -f $destdir  -o -d $destdir ]
69     then # destination directory may not be a file or exist
70        echo "mvdir: $destdir exists"
71        exit 1
72     fi
74     count=`expr $destdir : $srcdir/`
75     if [ $count != 0 ]
76     then
77        echo "mvdir: directories have common path"
78        exit 1
79     fi
81     firstsrc=`echo $srcdir|$CUT -c1`
82     firstdest=`echo $destdir|$CUT -c1`
83     if [ $firstdest != / -a $firstsrc != / ]
84     then
85        $MV $srcdir $destdir
86     else # possible cross file system move
87        if [ $firstsrc != / ]
88        then
89           pwdsrc=`pwd`
90        else
91           pwdsrc=$srcdir
92        fi
93        if [ $firstdest != / ]
94        then
95           pwdsrc=`pwd`
96        else
97           pwddest=$destdir
98        fi
100        srcfilesys=`echo $pwdsrc|$CUT -d"/" -f1,2`
101        destfilesys=`echo $pwddest|$CUT -d"/" -f1,2`
102        retval=`$DF|$AWKTYPE '
103           BEGIN {tripflag = 0}
104           {
105           if (dsys == $1 && dsys != ssys)
106              {
107              tripflag = 1
108              exit 1
109              }
110           }
111           END {print tripflag}
112        ' dsys=$destfilesys ssys=$srcfilesys`
114        if [ $retval -eq 1 ]
115        then
116           echo "Copy files across file system!"
117           cd $srcdir
118           if [ $? = 0 ]
119           then
120              $MKDIR $destdir
121              if [ $? = 0 ]
122              then
123                 $FIND . -depth -print|$CPIO -pd $destdir
124              fi
125           fi
126        else
127           $MV $srcdir $destdir
128        fi
129     fi