Cover V03, I06
Figure 1
Figure 2
Listing 1
Listing 2
Sidebar 1


Listing 1: create.table

#- Author  of  this  Program:   William Genosa                               -#
#- Program Name and  Release:   @(#)create.table  1.7                        -#
#- File  Name  Used by  SCCS:   s.create.table                               -#
#- Tested on Sybase Versions:   4.2 and 4.92 for AIX                         -#
#- Last Date of Modification:   94/07/18                                     -#
#-                                                                           -#
#- Description:                                                              -#
#- This program will retrieve table information from the master database and -#
#- generate  the  sql  required to  re-create  the table passed as the first -#
#- augment to this script.                                                   -#
#-                                                                           -#
#-      This program is broken into six sections.                            -#
#-                                                                           -#
#-      Section 1  -  Set up environment variables.                          -#
#-      Section 2  -  Make sure we have a table name as the first augment.   -#
#-      Section 3  -  Creates a temporary script to add correct syntax.      -#
#-      Section 4  -  Retrieve the table information from the database.      -#
#-      Section 5  -  Executes the script for syntax and output formatting.  -#
#-      Section 6  -  Clean up temporary files used.                         -#
#-                                                                           -#
#- This  program is run in the bourne shell to remain compatable across unix -#
#- platforms.  Final output of this program will appear as shown below, once -#
#- it has been checked into sccs.  If you do not wish to use sccs, then omit -#
#- section of code which creates the header.                                 -#
#-                                                                           -#
#-    /*******************************************************************   -#
#-    Program Name  and Release: @(#)   1.1                   -#
#-    File  Name  Used  by SCCS:                           -#
#-    Last Date of Modification: 94/07/18                                    -#
#-    *******************************************************************/   -#
#-    CREATE TABLE syssegments (                                             -#
#-                  segment     smallint           Not Null,                 -#
#-                     name      sysname           Not Null,                 -#
#-                   status         intn               Null                  -#
#-    )                                                                      -#
#-    ON system                                                              -#
#-    go                                                                     -#
#-    /******************************* END ******************************/   -#
#------------------------------ Section 1 ------------------------------------#
#- In this section we assign our environment variables. Because this program -#
#- may  be  one  of  several programs which is to be executed using the same -#
#- variable assignments,  provisions have been made for variable assignments -#
#- to  be  done  within  this  program or via an external file.   The script -#
#- generates sql that would re-create the table passed as the first augment. -#
#- Other programs which could create  segments,  indexes,  rules,  triggers, -#
#- stored procedures, defaults, and databases may read from the same  CONFIG -#
#- file for variable assignment.   Then  only  one  CONFIG  file  would need -#
#- modification instead of editing each program individually. Only variables -#
#- which  would  be considered global are to be kept in the file assigned to -#
#- the variable CONFIG.   Notice  the  use  of the dot command for exporting -#
#- variables in the CONFIG file.                                             -#
CONFIG=/home/bill/.config        #- Global variable configuration file.      -#
if [ -f "${CONFIG}" ]            #- If  the  global  variable  configuration -#
then                             #- exists, then use it.    Otherwise set up -#
. ${CONFIG}                   #- the  variables  locally in this program. -#
SYBASE=/home/sybase           #- The sybase directory structure location. -#
DSQUERY=CLIENT                #- Locates the server in interface file.    -#
LOGIN=sa                      #- Sybase sa login.                         -#
PASSWORD=guessme              #- The password for sa.                     -#
SERVER=CLIENT                 #- The Sybase SQL Server to access.         -#
DATABASE=accounts             #- The database to access.                  -#



#------------------------------ Section 2 ------------------------------------#
#- Make sure a table name has been passed as the first augment.              -#
if [ "$#" -ne "1" ]
echo "usage $0: <tablename>"

#------------------------------ Section 3 ------------------------------------#
#- This section creates a PROGRAM which will be executed in section 5.  This -#
#- script will perform two tasks.   One task will be to place commas on each -#
#- line where syntax requires them.  The second task is to format the output -#
#- for proper appearance and style.   The  script  takes input from the file -#
#- saved in the variable QUERYOUT. That file is populated in section 4.  The -#
#- number of lines in  QUERYOUT  is  calculated and assigned to the variable -#
#- LINES.    We  need  to  know how many lines there are so we can place the -#
#- commas in the right places.  The  fifth  line up from the bottom will not -#
#- require a comma. This script reads each line of QUERYOUT  testing for the -#
#- word  Null  and testing for the fifth line from  bottom.   The chmod sets -#
#- execute permission on the script. This script is only needed in section 5 -#
#- and is removed in section 6.   The  input  file  QUERYOUT, will be in the -#
#- format below.                                                             -#
#-                                                                           -#
#-   /*******************************************************************    -#
#-   Program Name  and Release: ?W?                                          -#
#-   File  Name  Used  by SCCS: ?F? ?Y?                                      -#
#-   Last Date of Modification: ?D? ?Q?                                      -#
#-   *******************************************************************/    -#
#-   CREATE TABLE syssegments (                                              -#
#-                 segment         smallint    Not Null                      -#
#-                    name          sysname    Not Null                      -#
#-                  status             intn        Null                      -#
#-   )                                                                       -#
#-   ON system                                                               -#
#-   go                                                                      -#
#-   /******************************* END ******************************/    -#
#-                                                                           -#
echo "QUERYOUT=/tmp/queryout
LINES=\`cat \${QUERYOUT} | wc -l\`
LAST=\`echo \"\${LINES} - 5\" | bc\`

while read line
if echo \"\${line}\" | grep -v grep | grep Null >/dev/null
if [ \"\${COUNT}\" -eq \"\${LAST}\" ]
echo \"\${line}\" | \\
awk '{
if ( NF == 3 ) {
printf ( \"%21s%15s%15s\\\n\", \$1, \$2, \$3 )

if ( NF == 4 ) {
printf ( \"%21s%15s%10s %s\\\n\", \$1, \$2, \$3, \$4 )
COUNT=\`echo \"\${COUNT} +1\" | bc\`
echo \"\${line}\" | \\
awk '{
if ( NF == 3 ) {
printf ( \"%21s%15s%15s,\\\n\", \$1, \$2, \$3 )

if ( NF == 4 ) {
printf ( \"%21s%15s%10s %s,\\\n\", \$1, \$2, \$3, \$4 )
COUNT=\`echo \"\${COUNT} +1\" | bc\`
echo \"\${line}\"
COUNT=\`echo \"\${COUNT} +1\" | bc\`
done < \${QUERYOUT}" > ${PROGRAM}

chmod 700 ${PROGRAM}

#------------------------------ Section 4 ------------------------------------#
#- The query below is actually made up of two queries,   and inner query and -#
#- an outer query.  The inner query is required to retrieve the object id of -#
#- the table named in  $1,  the  first  augment.   The outer query joins the -#
#- SYSCOLUMNS   and   SYSTYPES   define column information such as the name, -#
#- datatype, data length, and whether or not that column can contain a Null. -#
#- The tables SYSINDEXES and  SYSSEGMENTS define the segment that this table -#
#- should be placed on.    The id of  SYSCOLUMNS  is  joined  with the id in -#
#- SYSINDEXES where the object is either a table or a clustered index.   The -#
#- segment of  SYSINDEXES  is joined with the segment from  SYSSEGMENTS, and -#
#- usertype of  SYSCOLUMNS  is joined with the usertype of  SYSTYPES.    The -#
#- output  is ordered by column id so this script will create the columns in -#
#- the same order as the original table.   This query is performed using the -#
#- client isql.    The output of the query is piped into awk for processing. -#
#- Awk creates the header along with  sccs  keyword  identifiers and the sql -#
#- create  command.   Once  all  the columns retrived from the database have -#
#- been processed,  segment information is appended to the end of the script -#
#- along with the keyword go, which is the sql terminator.                   -#
echo "select Column_name =,
Data_Type =,
Length = c.length,
Nulls = convert(bit, (c.status & 8)),
Segment =
from ${DATABASE}..syscolumns c,
${DATABASE}..systypes t,
${DATABASE}..sysindexes i,
${DATABASE}..syssegments s
where = (select id from ${DATABASE}..sysobjects where name = '$1')
and c.usertype = t.usertype
and i.segment = s.segment
and =
and i.indid < 2
order by c.colid
go" | isql -U${LOGIN} -P${PASSWORD} -S${SERVER} |  \
awk '
print "/*******************************************************************"
print "Program Name  and Release: ?W?"
print "File  Name  Used  by SCCS: ?F? ?Y?"
print "Last Date of Modification: ?D? ?Q?"
print "*******************************************************************/"
print "CREATE TABLE '$1' (" }
{                                                                  # Begin awk

if ( $4 == 0 && $2 ~ /char/ ) {
printf ( "%21s\t%10s%s\t%10s\n", $1, $2,"("$3")", "Not Null" )
else {
if ( $4 == 0 ) {
printf ( "%21s\t%13s\t%10s\n", $1, $2, "Not Null" )

if ( $4 == 1 && $2 == "char" ) {
printf ( "%21s\t%10s%s\t%10s\n", $1, $2, "("$3")", "Null" )
else {
if ( $4 == 1 ) {
printf ( "%21s\t%13s\t%10s\n", $1, $2, "Null" )


if ( NF == 1 ) { SEGMENT = $1 }

} END {
printf ( "%s\n%s %s\n%s\n", ")", "ON", SEGMENT, "go" )
print "/******************************* END ******************************/\n"
}' > ${QUERYOUT}

#------------------------------ Section 5 ------------------------------------#
#- The output file assigned to the variable  SQL is truncated and the script -#
#- created in section 3 and saved in the variable  PROGRAM  is now executed. -#
#- The output of  PROGRAM is filtered to replace question marks with percent -#
#- signs. These percent signs are used for the sccs keyword identifiers. The -#
#- idea here is to prevent the expansion of  sccs  keywords when this script -#
#- create.table,  is checked into sccs.   When  a  table  not is placed on a -#
#- specific segment it is automatically placed on the default segment.   The -#
#- keyword default,   is implied and will cause an error if specified within -#
#- the create table statement.                                               -#
> ${SQL}

${PROGRAM} | sed "s/?/%/g" | grep -v "ON default" > ${SQL}

#------------------------------ Section 6 ------------------------------------#
#- The files assigned to PROGRAM and QUERYOUT are no longer needed.   System -#
#- Administrators  should  appreciate the removal of files no longer needed. -#
rm -f ${QUERYOUT}
rm -f ${PROGRAM}
