Cover V05, I05
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Sidebar 1
Sidebar 2


Listing 2: asap.scr

;Usage pqcall.scr <messagefile> <phonenumber>
set line /dev/modem	; Set for second serial port on a SPARCstation die
set modem hayes		; Set for Hayes modem
set local-echo on	; Echo local (doesn't seem to work)
set duplex full		; Echo local (doesn't seem to work)
set parity even		; Should set us to 7e1
set speed 19200		; 1200 is max speed AirTouch seems to accept
;set output pacing 1	; Seems needed to work with AirTouch

set input echo on	; Need to watch.
set debug session

set take error off	; To handle EOF on READ (doesn't seem to do anything)

;output at s11=25	; Set speed dialing to 25ms bursts
output at s11=50	; Set speed dialing on to 50ms bursts
output at s13=50	; Set speed dialing off to 50ms bursts
out atm0

open read \&@[2]	; Open the file message.txt read-only
if fail goto noinput
read \%p		; Read a line (presumably containing a pin)
if fail goto nofirst

read \%m		; Read a line (presumably containing a message)
if fail goto nofirst

read \%c		; Read a line (presumably containing a checksum)
if fail goto nofirst

read \%d		; Read a line (presumably containing a cr delimeter)
if fail goto nofirst

dial \&@[3]		; Dial second parameter

;define echo echo Error: \%1, end	; Error-handling macro.
;set input timeout proceed		; Don't quit if INPUT fails.
;set input case ignore			; Alphabetic case doesn't matter.

output \13				; Send carriage return (ASCII 13).
output \13				; Send carriage return (ASCII 13).

input 10 ID=				; Wait for ID request
if fail goto noid

output {\27PG1\13}			; Send <ESC>PG1<CR> to go into automatic mode
if fail echo \7I can't send the pg1!, what the hell is going on here?!

input 5 \006	; Wait for <CR><ACK><CR>
if fail goto nofirsthand

def \%i 0		; Initialize the block counter to zero


output \2\%p\13\%m\13\3\%c\13	; Send the block (ugly huh?)
if fail echo \7I can't send the block!, what the hell is going on here?!

input 5 \006	; Wait for <CR><ACK><CR>
if success goto contwhile

reinput 0 \21
if success GOTO gotnak

reinput 0 \27
if success GOTO goteot

echo \7I didn't get anything I know about when I was hoping for an <ACK>, I'll try the call
goto makecall

read \%p                ; Read a line (presumably containing a pin), bug out of while if I can't read one
if fail goto endwhile

read \%m                ; Read a line (presumably containing a message)
if fail goto trunc

read \%c                ; Read a line (presumably containing a checksum)
if fail goto trunc

read \%d                ; Read a line (presumably containing a cr delimeter)
if fail goto trunc

goto beginwhile

close read	; Close the message file

output \13	; Get outta here!

echo \7 I couldn't open the input file, help!
goto die

ECHO \7 I couldn't get the first record of the file, help!
ECHO Here is what I got
echo \v(input)
goto die

ECHO \7 I didn't even get the ID prompt, I'll try the call again
GOTO makecall

ECHO  \7I didn't even get the initial <CR><ACK><CR>, I'll try the call again!
GOTO makecall

echo OK I got a <NAK> I'll just resend the packet
goto beginwhile

echo \7I got an <EOT> I'll try the call again
;goto makecall
goto contwhile

echo \7It looks like the message input file is truncated, help!
goto die

echo \7\7\7 I am dying!!!
close read	; Close the message file
output \13	; Get outta here!
hangup		;
quit	1

;End of File