Sidebar: What Is Tcl/Tk?
A brief explanation of Tcl/Tk comes from Brent B. Welch
in Practical
Programming in Tcl and Tk. "Tcl stands for Tool
Command Language. Tcl is
really two things: a scripting language and an interpreter
for that
language that is designed to be easy to embed into your
application. Tcl
and its associated X Window toolkit, Tk, were designed
and crafted by
Professor John Ousterhout of the University of California,
What Are the Advantages of Tcl/Tk?
According to Ousterhout, there are four benefits to
Tcl/Tk. "The first
benefit is rapid development. Many interesting GUI applications
can be
written entirely as Tcl scripts, using a windowing shell
called wish....
The second benefit is that Tcl makes it easy for applications
to have
powerful scripting languages. To create a new application,
all you need
to do is implement a few new Tcl commands that provide
the basic
features of the application... The third benefit of
Tcl is that it makes
an excellent 'glue package.' A Tcl application can include
different library packages, each of which provides an
interesting set of
Tcl commands.... The fourth benefit of Tcl is user convenience.
Once you
learn Tcl and Tk, you will be able to write scripts
for any Tcl and Tk
application merely by learning the few application-specific
commands for
the new application."
I like Tcl/Tk because it has allowed me to convert a
lot of my Bourne
and C shell scripts into more user-friendly, graphical
type packages
without the hassle of converting them into C and/or
What Is wish?
wish is an interpreter for Tcl/Tk written applications.
By placing the
#!/usr/local/bin/wish -f line at the beginning of your
application, (assuming /usr/local/bin is the home to
your wish
interpreter), you can make your Tcl/Tk program directly
exactly as you do for Bourne and C shell programs.
How Can I Get Tcl/Tk for My System?
Tcl/Tk is freely available via anonymous ftp from the
University of
California, Berkeley at the following address:
is also available on the CDs that accompany these books:
UNIX System
Administration Handbook, X User Tools, and The UNIXSystem
Administrator's Guide to X.