Cover V05, I09
Figure 1
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4
Listing 5
Listing 6
Listing 7


Listing 2: /etc/skel/cogrp

#  Script:   /etc/skel/cogrp/local.profile
#  Purpose:  A common script for the cogrp user to use in a bourne
#            or ksh shell.
#  Updates:  4/1/94  Created.   CIC
. /etc/skel/cogrp.profile

#  Script:   /etc/skel/cogrp/local.cshrc
#  Purpose:  A common script for the cogrp user to use in C shell.
#  Updates:  4/1/94  Created.   CIC
source /etc/skel/cogrp.cshrc

# End of File