Cover V06, I01
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3


Listing 3: Sample usage of dialer in conjunction with dial script

# ### Setup:
# vi sample.dial
# chgrp musers sample.dial
# chown root sample.dial
# chmod 750 sample.dial
# cc dialer.c -o dialer
# chmod 750 dialer
# chown uucp dialer
# chgrp musers dialer
# chmod u+s dialer
# ls -lad dialer
-rwsr-x---   1 uucp     musers        16806 Sep 24 05:52 dialer*
# exit  # don't need to be root any more
$ ./dialer
dialer: <port name> <modem-script>
$ ### Each time, user only needs to run this line:
$ ./dialer /dev/GAAM sample.dial

$ ### Connection will only echo output if modem is set to
$ ### show messages, and you don't put stderr to /dev/null.
$ ### See the tee (1) man page to see how to capture modem
$ ### output (from stdin) without losing it.

## End of File