Cover V06, I04
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4


Listing 1: Spatchula's main block

#!/usr/local/bin/perl  -Tw

log_it (">>Beginning $0 on ".(localtime) .
"; directory is $PATCH_DIR\n"  );

# initialize the "patch dictionary"
my $patch_dict = &initialize;

# now get the most recent recommended patch list from SunSolve
# foreach OS you have
foreach  ( keys %{$patch_dict->{REC}} ) {
& get_rec_patches ($patch_dict, $_);

# first downloaded any needed patches over the net;  then install them
& download_patches ($patch_dict);
& install_patches ($patch_dict);

# clean up the patch directory $PATCH_DIR
& clean_up ($patch_dict);

log_it (">>Finished $0 on ".(localtime) .  "\n\n"  );