Cover V06, I09
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4


Listing 4: Index2.html

<TITLE>System Monitoring Page, with input tags</TITLE>

<h3>Enter in the available data that you would like to graph </h3>
<hr noshade>
<form method="get" Action="/cgi-bin/envvar.cgi">
<table border = 10 width=60%>
<caption align = top> <H4>SNMP Graph Date Input Screen</h4></caption>
<th align=left>Enter in Beginning Date
<th align=left>Enter in Ending Date <tr>
<th align=left>Use form of "01/01/99"
<th align=left>Use form of "01/01/99"<tr>
<input type=text size=15 maxlength=20 name="BeginDate" value="01/01/11">
<input type=text size=15 maxlength=20 name="EndDate" value="07/07/77"> <tr>

<th align=left>Enter in Mib
<th align=left>Enter in Hostname  <tr>
<select name="mib">
<option value="SNMPInPkts::::::::"> SNMP Packets In
<option value="Disk%util::::::::">  Disk Utilization
<option value="EA_negFreeSwap::::::::"> Swap Space
<option value="."> CPU statistics
<select name="hostname">
<option value="server1"> Server  1
<option value="server2"> Server  2
<option value="server3"> Server  3

<input type="submit" name="simple" value="Submit_Information">

<h3>This will take about a minute once you hit enter</h3>
<hr noshade>
