Listing 5: Shell script to change protections correctly
# Filename = chmod_s
# Script file to set up the protections of the display_s program.
# shell scripts
chmod a+r edit_real.sed
# csh tcsh
chmod a+rx display_s
# bash ksh
chmod a+rx display_s.csh
# perl scripts
chmod a+r display.perl
chmod a+rx display_perl_s
# c scripts
chmod a+rx display
chmod a+rx display.c
# support programs to create sed scripts
chmod a+rx edit_real_sed_perl_s
chmod a+r edit_real_sed.perl
# data files
chmod a+rw real_hostname_file
chmod a+rw real_hostname_file0
chmod a+rw tty_file
chmod a+rw tty_search_file
chmod a+rw who_file
chmod a+rw system_file