Cover V07, I05
Figure 1
Figure 2
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4
Listing 5


Listing 5: Top-level which calls other scripts

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# -  Top-level script for generating .gif files from log files
#    Usage:
#    Input:    $StatsDir is the directory containing log files and subscripts
#              $NamedFile contains log file from named daemon
#              $NetstatsFile contains log file from netstat routine
#              GnuPlot is installed at /usr/local/bin/gnuplot
#    Output:   Normal operation is silent
#              Creates temporary X,Y data files named.dat and netstats.dat
#              Generates .gif files in $StatsDir (see gnuplot below)

require '';  # For date functions

# Set $StatsDir to the directory containing the log files and sub-scripts
$StatsDir = "/var/stats";
$NamedFile  = "named.messages";          # The log from named
$NetstatsFile = "netstats.messages";     # The log from the netstat
undef $FirstX; # collector $LastX = $StartX = 0; # Go to where the logs and graphs are # chdir($StatsDir); # Use sub-scripts to parse log files into plottable data # unlink("named.dat") if (-e "named.dat"); ` $NamedFile > named.dat`; unlink("netstats.dat") if (-e "netstats.dat"); ` $NetstatsFile > netstats.dat`; # Determine what X-values will display just the last 10 days of data # open(NAMED_DAT, "named.dat") || die " Can't open named.dat"; while (<NAMED_DAT>) { if (!(defined $FirstX)) { ($FirstCtime, $FirstX, $rest) = split(); } ($rest, $LastX, $rest) = split(); } close(NAMED_DAT); if (($LastX - $FirstX) < 10) { $StartX = $FirstX; } else { $StartX = $LastX - 10; } # Just for decorating the graph's X-axis # ($wday,$mo,$mday,$time,$rest) = split(/ +/, &ctime($FirstCtime)); $FirstDate = join(' ',$wday,$mo,$mday,$time); # Write out gnuplot commands to a temporary file # open(GNUPLOT_CMD, ">gnuplot.cmd") || die " Can't open gnuplot.cmd for writing\n"; print GNUPLOT_CMD <<"EOF"; set term gif set size 0.75,0.75 set nokey set xlabel "X values are the Nth day since $FirstDate" set output "rq_per_min.gif" plot [$StartX:$LastX] "named.dat" using 2:3 with lines set output "rq_per_hour.gif" plot [$StartX:$LastX] "named.dat" using 2:4 with lines set output "rq_total.gif" plot [$StartX:$LastX] "named.dat" using 2:5 with lines set xlabel "" set output "collisions.gif" plot [$StartX:$LastX] "netstats.dat" using 2:3 with lines EOF close(GNUPLOT_CMD); # Generate the graphs by invoking gnuplot with the command file # system("/usr/local/bin/gnuplot gnuplot.cmd"); # End of File