Listing 2: mrestore
# restore files from a tape created using mdump
# usage: mrestore [options] path path...
# Options:
# -f dev tape device default back:/dev/nrst24
# -e eject tape when finish default no eject
# -l list contents only
# The path should be in the form of host:path. If host is omitted,
# the local host name is assumed
# Multiple path can be given in any order. mrestore will sort the
# pathes to suite the order
# mrestore uses hostname, rsh, dd, mt, restore. Make sure the path include all
# directories on all systems you want to do backup
# On SunOS 4.1.3, restore is in /usr/etc
# On Linux RedHat 5.1, restore is in /sbin.
# Add other directory to suite your needs
$ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/etc:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb';
#default options
$opt_f = "back:/dev/nrst24";
$opt_i = 1;
$opt_l = 0;
$magic = '###mdump###';
chop( $localhost = `hostname` );
$localhost || die "Unable to determine the local host name: $!\n";
# get the options
use Getopt::Std;
$opt_f =~ s/^$localhost://;
$opt_f =~ s/^localhost://;
# collect path to restore
while( $path = shift @ARGV )
$host = '';
($host, $path) = split(':',$path) if $path =~ /:/;
$host || ($host = $localhost);
$paths{"$host:$path"} = 1;
@paths = keys %paths;
$| = 1;
$opt_l || @paths || die "No file or directory to restore\n";
# decide the dump device name and host
($dump_host, $dump_dev) = split(':', $opt_f);
$dump_dev || do { $dump_dev = $dump_host; $dump_host = "localhost"; };
($dump_dev && $dump_host) || die "Please supply dump device using -f option\n";
$dump_host eq $localhost && ($dump_host = 'localhost');
print "Restore device: $dump_dev on $dump_host\n" if $opt_d;
$opt_d && print join("\n\t", 'Restoring:',@paths), "\n";
# decide the mt command
$mt = "mt -f $dump_dev";
$mt = "rsh $dump_host $mt" unless $dump_host eq 'localhost';
# rewind the tape
do_system("$mt rewind");
# decide the dd command to use
$dd = "dd";
$dd = "rsh $dump_host $dd" unless $dump_host eq 'localhost';
# get the configuration information stored at the beginning of the tape
open( DD, " $dd if=$dump_dev|" ) || die "Cannot run $dd: $!\n";
$conf = <DD>;
if( $conf !~ /^$magic/ )
close DD;
print "The tape may not be a mdump tape\nQuiting\n";
system("$mt offline");
@filesys = ();
/;/ || next;
push( @filesys, split(';', $_ ) );
close DD;
print join("\n\t", "File systems on the tape:", @filesys), "\n" if ($opt_d || $opt_l);
do_system("$mt rewind");
# sort out the order of requests
foreach $p ( @paths )
my($last) = ();
foreach $fs ( @filesys )
if( $p =~ /^$fs/ )
$last && ($fs !~ /^$last/ ) && next;
# if the last one used is shorter than the current one
# use the current one
$order{$last} && delete $order{$last};
$order{$fs} = $p;
$last = $fs;
if( %order )
print "In the order:\n" if $opt_d;
$curpos = 1;
foreach $fs ( @filesys )
$opt_d && $order{$fs} && print "\t", $order{$fs}, "\n";
$curpos = 1;
$fspos = 1;
$opt_i && ($opt_i = 'i');
foreach $fs ( @filesys )
$order{$fs} || next;
$move = $fspos - $curpos;
next if $move < 0;
print "Restoring from $fs at segment $fspos\n";
do_system("$mt fsf $move") if $move > 0;
do_system("restore -f$opt_i $opt_f");
$curpos = $fspos;
sub do_system {
my($cmd) = @_;
print "$cmd ...." if $opt_d;
my($system) = system($cmd);
print "successed\n" if $system == 0 && $opt_d;
print "failed\n" if $system && $opt_d;
# End of File