Cover V09, I04
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4
Listing 5
Listing 6
Figure 1


Listing 2: startappl1

# "@(#)startappl1"        
# Shellprogram    : startappl1
# Description     : Check that the users are included in the group 
# Function        : If fgrep gets a true value from id then the  
#                 : users are authorized.                      
# Date            : 991009
# Author          : Mats Brymér WM-data AB
# Version         : 1.0

# Shell variable

TOP=/usr/local;export TOP
LOG=$TOP/log/startappl1;export LOG
BIN=$TOP/bin;export BIN
SHELL=/bin/sh;export SHELL 

# Check that users are included in the group appl1 
# id -a is for Solaris, other operating system don't 
# need this.

if id -a| fgrep appl1 > /dev/null

# If true, write to logfile

    echo `date`,`id`,$TERM  >>$LOG

# If there is a sysadmin for the application with a special  
# menu, use this
#    if [ $LOGNAME = appl1adm ]
#    then
#    TERM=vt220;export TERM
#    exec $BIN/start.appl1adm
#    else
#    TERM=vt220;export TERM
#    exec $BIN/start.appl1
#    fi

# Start application
    TERM=vt220;export TERM
    exec $BIN/start.appl1

# If the users are not included in the group appl1. There is a  
# message on the screen to the user. And a logpost is written.
# After that the session is ended.

     echo "Access denied"
    echo "CHECK,`date`,`id`,$TERM">>$LOG