Listing 1
# AUTHOR Todd A. Fiedler
# CREATED 7 SEP 2000
# This script prints a table that shows the relationship between instance
# names, logical names, and physical device paths.
# The logical device reported is the slice 2 although it would probably be
# more appropriate to remove the slice from the logical name and present only
# a disk.
# give me a list of all devices in the /dev/dsk directory in format
# logical_name=path_to_inst and store it in the array DISKLIST
set -A DISKLIST $(ls -l /dev/dsk | grep c[0-9]*t[0-9]*d[0-9]*s2 | \
awk '{printf "%s:%s\n",$9,$11}' | sed -e "s/..\/..\/devices//g")
# map the logical device to the physical instance name
typeset -i C1=10
typeset -i C2=16
typeset -i C3=52
print "\nDevice Map for $(uname -n)\n"
printf "\t%-${C1}s%-${C2}s%-${C3}s\n\n" \
"Instance" \
"Logical Name" \
"Physical Path"
while [ $i -lt ${#DISKLIST[*]} ]; do
typeset -i i=0
PHYSICAL=$(print ${DISKLIST[$i]} | awk -F':' '{print $2}')
LOGICAL=$(print ${DISKLIST[$i]} | awk -F':' '{print $1}')
INSTANCE=$(grep $PHYSICAL /etc/path_to_inst | sed -e "s/\"//g" | \
awk '{printf "%s%s\n",$3,$2}')
printf "\t%-${C1}s%-${C2}s%-${C3}s\n" $INSTANCE $LOGICAL $PHYSICAL
printf "\n"
# End of script