Listing 1 nfs_ssh_fw_pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use File::Basename;
my $nfs_server = "nfs1"; # the nfs server to connect to
my $nfs_server_user = "james"; # a valid username on the nfs server
my $use_version = "2"; # nfs-user-server uses 2, otherwise 3
# would be better. Check output of
# 'rpcinfo -p <servername>'
my $nfsd_client_port = "2818"; # we will port forward nfsd here
my $mountd_client_port = "3045"; # we will port forward mountd here
my $sleep_length = "86400"; # how long to sleep before restarting
# 86400 secs is one day. Note
# this is overridden if a command is
# specified in the server's
# authorized_keys2 file
# need to keep '-f', can also specify encryption algorithm, the ssh version
# and the id key
my $ssh_opts = "-f -c blowfish -2 -i /home/james/.ssh/id_dsa_nfs";
my %rpcinfo_col = ( # change as per output of rpcinfo -p
'program' => '0',
'version' => '1',
'protocol' => '2',
'port' => '3',
'daemon' => '4'
# not much should need to change below here
my $prog_name = basename($0);
my $nfsd_server_port = "";
my $mountd_server_port = "";
# for signals
$SIG{INT} = sub { die "$0 interrupted and dying (does not kill ssh)\n" };
my $first_time = 1;
while (1) {
if ($first_time) {
print "$prog_name: Starting ssh/nfs forwarding--\n";
$first_time = 0;
} else {
print "$prog_name: Restarting ssh/nfs forwarding--\n";
# first, get the rpcinfo
my @rpcinfo = `rpcinfo -p $nfs_server`;
print "My rpcinfo =\n @rpcinfo";
# now get the nfsd and mountd port numbers
foreach (@rpcinfo) {
my @line = split;
if ($line[$rpcinfo_col{"version"}] eq $use_version &&
$line[$rpcinfo_col{"daemon"}] eq "nfs" &&
$line[$rpcinfo_col{"protocol"}] eq "tcp") {
$nfsd_server_port = $line[$rpcinfo_col{"port"}];
print (" nfsd port = $nfsd_server_port");
} elsif ($line[$rpcinfo_col{"version"}] eq $use_version &&
$line[$rpcinfo_col{"daemon"}] eq "mountd" &&
$line[$rpcinfo_col{"protocol"}] eq "tcp") {
$mountd_server_port = $line[$rpcinfo_col{"port"}];
print (", mountd port = $mountd_server_port\n");
# now run ssh (if this fails, we get the error message and
# retry). This should run all the time. This also won't die
# unless the nfs mount is done.
`/usr/bin/ssh $ssh_opts -L \
$nfsd_client_port:$nfs_server:$nfsd_server_port -L \
$mountd_client_port:$nfs_server:$mountd_server_port -l \
$nfs_server_user $nfs_server /bin/sleep $sleep_length`;