Listing 1
# /usr/local/bin/
# Retrieve yesterdays STAT file from e-mail server
# and combine with the two previous days
# Generate the name of yesterdays STAT file and
# set other variables - yyMMMdd.TXT - ie: 01JUL31.TXT
file=$(date +%y%b%d.TXT -d yesterday)
# Mount the share and retrieve the STAT file
smbmount //<e-mail server>/stats /mnt/mail -o username=jsmith,password=<password>
cp /mnt/mail/$file $datadir/$file
umount /mnt/mail
# Rotate and make combined STAT file for last 3 days
if [ -f $datadir/stat.2 ]; then
mv -f $datadir/stat.2 $datadir/stat.3
if [ -f $datadir/stat.1 ]; then
mv -f $datadir/stat.1 $datadir/stat.2
cp $datadir/$file $datadir/stat.1
cat $datadir/stat.1 $datadir/stat.2 $datadir/stat.3 > $datadir/stat.comp