Cover V01, I01
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Sidebar 1
Sidebar 2


Listing 2:

/bin/passwd model program

#! suidperl
eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec suidperl $0
& eval 'exec suidperl $0 $argv:q'
if 0;

# Demonstrate how to use PERL to test for the conditions mentioned in the
# article
# set some default conditionals
$LocalWords = "/etc/badwords";          # location of badword list
$pwd_length = "6";                      # minimum password length
$PasswordFile = "/etc/passwd";          # where is the passwd file?
$TempFile = "/tmp/ptmp";                # temporary copy of passwd
$Dictionary = "/usr/dict/words";        # Dictionary of words
$ENV{'PATH'} = "/bin:/usr/bin:/etc";

# setup the signal handler, so that things are done right when we abort
$SIG{'INT'} = 'DoExit';
$SIG{'TERM'} = 'DoExit';

# ensure security things are OK
if ( $> != 0 )
printf "error: problem running SUID\n";
# Check to see if things are set up right
die "passwd file locked! Try again.\n" if ( -f "$TempFile" );
# OK, create the tempfile
open( TEMP, ">$TempFile" ) || die "can't open temp file";
# Insure that we are dealing with the user at the keyboard by closing
# STDIN and STDOUT.  Then re-open the /dev/tty
close( STDIN );
close( STDOUT );
open( TERM, "+>/dev/tty" );
# set the TERM descriptor to be the one which is put in place
select( TERM );

# get the passwd file entry for this account.  $< is the numerical
# representation of our REAL UID
( $me, $mypasswd, $uid, $gid, $pwage,
$comment, $gcos, $dir, $shell ) = getpwuid($<);
# $pw_salt is the first two characters of the SALT for the existing
# password
$pw_salt = substr( $mypasswd, 0, 2 );
# NOTE : presently, we are ignoring any reference to password aging
printf "Changing password for : $me\n";
# collect the old passwd
printf "Old password: ";
# the /bin/stty -echo turns of terminal echo
system "/bin/stty -echo";
$old_passwd = <TERM>;
# the /bin/stty echo turns on terminal echo
system( "/bin/stty echo" );
chop( $old_passwd );
printf "\n";

# check to see if the passwords are the same
if ( crypt( $old_passwd, $pw_salt ) eq $mypasswd )
# Yup, so go and work on getting a new password
# Nope, the password is wrong, so tell the user and exit.
printf "Sorry.\n";

# the DoNewPasswd function will process the local configuration file and
# work on getting a new password
sub DoNewPasswd
# load our site specific password configuration file
require "passwd.cfg" if ( -f passwd.cfg);
# now get the password and process it
# create the new passwd file
# reset terminal and exit
system( "/bin/stty echo" );

sub GetNewPassword
printf "You will now be prompted to enter a new password.  The following
rules must be adhered to when entering this :

it must be at least $pwd_length characters long
it must contain at least one numeric or special character
it cannot contain your username, or words like UNIX, XENIX, guru

# We will loop around only three times
$IsaidIt = 0;
while ( $IsaidIt < 3 )
# we will give the user THREE chances to change it.
$new_passwd = &CollectPasswd;

if ( &GoodPW( $new_passwd ) )
# Ooops! it didn't meet at least one of the criteria
printf "Too many unsuccessful attempts - change aborted.\n";

# Actually get the password from the user
sub CollectPasswd
# set the collectible spaces to some junk variables for the loop
$pass0 = "x";
$pass1 = "y";
$try = 0;

# again - we will loop around three times - this provides a second
# chance for the user
while ( $try < 3 )
# print the prompt, and then turn off the terminal echo
# then collect the first attempt
printf "New password: ";
system( "/bin/stty -echo" );
$pass0 = <TERM>;
system( "/bin/stty echo" );
printf "\n";
chop( $pass0 );
# check to see if the user is trying to use the same password
if ( $pass0 eq $old_passwd )
printf "You cannot re-use the same password.\n";
# check the length here
if ( length( $pass0 ) < $pwd_length )
printf "Your new password must be at least %s characters\n",
# check for a number
if ( ! &CheckDigits($pass0) )
printf "Your new password must contain at least one numeric or special character.\n";
# print the prompt, and then turn off the terminal echo
# then collect the first attempt
printf "Re-enter New password: ";
system( "/bin/stty -echo" );
$pass1 = <TERM>;
system( "/bin/stty echo" );
printf "\n";
chop( $pass1 );
# If they are the some, then return the collected password to the
# calling program
if ( $pass0 eq $pass1 )
return( $pass0 );
# then tell the user that they don't match and loop again
printf "They don't match.  Try again.\n";
# we will reach this if we have had too many failures
printf "Too many failures - aborted!\n";

# this routine will verify that there is a digit and/or a non-printable
# character in the argument provided
sub CheckDigits
local ( $pass ) = @_;

if ( $pass0 =~ /[0-9]/ )
# there is at least one digit
# check to see if there are any non-printable characters in here
for ( $x = 0; $x < length($pass); $x++ )
# split off a character
$y = substr( $pass, $x, 1 );
# get the ASCII value - if it is less than 32 (space), then it
# is a control character
if ( ord($y) < 32 )

# this routine will evaluate the qaulity of the good password
sub GoodPW
local( $pass ) = @_;

printf "Checking your password for obviousness.\n";
# now we are going to do some checking
# process the password file
open( pwd, "/etc/passwd" ) || die "can't open /etc/passwd\n";
while (<pwd>)
( $username, $passwd, $uid, $gid,
$comment, $dir, $shell ) = split(/:/);
# Check 1 - is the new password one of the existing user names?
if ( $pass =~ /$username/i )
# if the value of $$pass exists in any part of the vlogin name,
# the junk tha password
printf "Can't use a valid login name as part of the password.\n";

close( pwd );
# Now do some further analysis - read through the list of poor words
# and see if we have a match
open( pwd, "$LocalWords" ) if ( defined( $LocalWords ) );
while (<pwd>)
( $word, @message ) = split(/:/);
# if we have a match, print the message which was stored with this
# word
if ( $word =~ /^$pass*/i )
printf "bad password : %s\n", @message;
if ( $word =~ /.*$pass$/i )
printf "bad password : %s\n", @message;

close( pwd );
# Now do some further analysis - look through the dictionary
open( pwd, "$Dictionary" ) if ( defined($Dictionary) );
while (<pwd>)
if ( $_ =~ /$pass/i )
printf "bad password : Its in the dictionary\n";


sub BuildNewPasswd
seek ( TEMP, 0, 0 );
open( PWD, "$PasswordFile" );

while (<PWD>)
( $username, $passwd, $uid, $gid, $comment, $dir, $shell ) = split(/:/);
if ( $username ne $me )
printf TEMP "$_";
printf "UPDATING $pwage \n";
$new_passwd = crypt( $new_passwd, $pw_salt );
if ( $pwage eq "" )
printf "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s",
$username,$new_passwd, $uid,
$gid, $comment, $dir, $shell;
printf TEMP "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s",
$username,$new_passwd, $uid,
$gid, $comment, $dir, $shell;
printf TEMP "%s:%s,%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s",
$username,$new_passwd, $pwage, $uid,
$gid, $comment, $dir, $shell;
printf "Password for $me updated.\n";
# this routine is called by the interrupt handlers and at various places in
# order to remove the temporary file and exit
sub DoExit
local( $value ) = @_;
# make sure that terminal echo is enabled
system('/bin/stty echo');
# remove the ptmp file
close( TEMP );
# rename the existing passwd file
rename( "/etc/passwd", "/etc/opasswd" );
link( "$TempFile", "/etc/passwd" );
#unlink( "$Tempfile" );
# exit