Cover V03, I01
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4
Listing 5
Listing 6
Listing 7
Listing 8
Listing 9
Table 1


Listing 4: Sample MST devices file

#       /etc/ppp/Devices - PPP devices file
#       Format:
#       dialer:         The name of the dialer in Dialers to use with
#                       this device, or the word "Direct".
#       device:         The name of the device in the /dev directory
#                       (ttya, cua, rsd0a/0, etc.).
#       speed:          This field is string matched against the speed
#                       field of entries in the Systems file when the
#                       Systems device field is set to ACU.  Speeds
#                       must either be valid baud-rate numbers or must
#                       begin with them (2400, 38400, 19200-PEP, etc.).

#Dialer         device  speed           Optional parameters
#T2500-PEP      cua     19200-PEP       crtscts
#T1600          cub     38400           crtscts
#UDS-V32        cua     19200           crtscts
#NEC-V32        cua     19200           crtscts
T3000           tty1A   19200           crtscts
TOPGUN          ttyi1f  9600

# use internal-clocking on one end of a null-modem cable, but not on
# the other
#Direct         rsd2a/0 1536000         internal-clocking

# These are for accessing the anonymous-PPP/anonymous-FTP archive at
# The Ohio State University Computer and Information Science Dept.
#T1600-NOMNP5   cua     38400-NOMNP5            crtscts