Cover V03, I04
Listing 1
Listing 2
Listing 3
Listing 4
Listing 5
Listing 6
Sidebar 1


Listing 3: Encryption keyfile

# This file contains the encryption keys that have been
# installed in the SecureNet key which users use to log
# into the system from remote sites.
# The format of the file is as follows:
#       userid  val_1 ... val_8 checksum
# where: userid - is the name of the user that's
# entered at the SNK login prompt.
#         val_1 to val_8 -  are the 8 octal values that have
#  been entered into the SecureNet key.
#         checksum - is the checksum value provided by the
#  SecureNet key.
#  Author: Mark Dapoz, Bergen Scientific Centre

# SNK key number 1
#   Owner: Mark Dapoz
md      115 136 014 154 147 060 136 042 0908a5

# SNK key number 2
#   Owner: Rob MacKinnon
robmack 001 156 155 167 077 172 024 133 a860d0