Cover V01, I03
Figure 1
Listing 1
Listing 2
Sidebar 1


Figure 1: Command List


Pops an integer off of the stack and converts it to ACSCII without leading zeros.

EX %3d pops the integer off and uses 3 ASCII characters, if it is too small it is padded to the left with zeros. If it is too big, then it only uses the low order bits.

Pops off an integer value and only uses the low order byte.

Pops off an integer value and only keeps the 2 low order bytes.

Pops an integer value like %h, but the order is reversed.

Includes the string whose attribute is xx.

Gets an integer from the variable xx and then pushes it on the stack.

Pushes the character on the stack as low order byte of an integer and the high order set to zero.

Pushes positive or negative integer on the stack.

Pushes the length of the constant or string xx onto the stack.

Pops the stack and stores the value in an internal variable.

Pushes the specified internal variable on to the stack.

Adds the first two values that are popped off the stack and then pushes the result.

Subtracts the first two values that are popped off the stack and then pushes the result.

Multiplies the two popped values and pushes the result.

Divides the two popped values and pushes the result.

Modulus the next two values and pushes the result.

Compares the two popped values and pushes a 1 if they are equal.

If the second value popped off is greater than the first, pushes a 1 onto the stack.

If the second value popped off is less than the first, pushes a 1 onto the stack.

Negates the variable popped and pushes the result.

ANDs the first two variables popped and pushes the result.

ORs the first two variables popped and pushes the result.

EXCLUSIVE ORs the first two variables popped and pushes the result.

ONE's COMPLEMENT the value and pushes the result.

Passes through to the piocmdout subroutine the number of bytes specified by the passthru argument from input to output without modification.

While loop. Whenever the matching %; is reached, the internal variable specified is decremented by one. Execution is transferred back to the character following %wx as long as the value of the variable is greater than zero.

If Then Else

%? expr %t thenpart %e elsepart %;

Nested IF Then Else

%? expr %t thenpart %e expr %t thenpart %e elsepart %;