Cover V01, I03
Figure 1
Listing 1
Listing 2
Sidebar 1


Listing 2


%?       if
%G_l     push value _l onto the stack and if not 0
%t       then pop value off of stack and if not equal to 0
%G_l     push the value of _l onto the stack
%{1}     push the integer 1 onto the stack
%-       pop the two stack values and subtract, push the result onto the stack
%Pa      pop value from stack and place in the a register.
\36      send octal 36 to the printer
\20      send octal 20 to the printer
%wa\34%; while a does not equal 0 send octal 34 to the printer
\37      send octal 37 to printer
%e       else
%o       reset original values from database
%G_l     push value of _l onto the stack
%r       reset values back to before %o
%t       then pop value off of stack and if not equal to 0
%\33     send octal 33 to the printer
C        send ascii character C

%o       reset original values from database
%G_l     push value of _l onto the stack
%r       reset values back to before %o
%c       pop value off of stack and send to printer
%;       end of clause